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  1. F

    Grizzly's Guide to Pulverizing Pests

    I think your incorrect about spider mites and humidity. I currently have them and have researched the topic. Spider mites like arid and dry conditions, low humidity. This is what it says by Jorge Cervantes Bible and this UC Davis entomology site...
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    Roots Above Ground

    It would be a lot easier to take a non-biased fair view of Noobmeisters post if he was polite and courteous. When someone like that starts talking like a asshole its hard to comprehend and find the good parts in what they say. I was always told that you have to learn how to listen before you...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I love growing, its like I have my own little science experiment in my backyard. Uncle Ben I've read a lot of your posts and thank you for all the great advice!
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    Calling All Noob Growers

    I cant find my camera hahaha so close ups will have to wait till I find it. I just officially flipped my babies and I cut some clones off the bottom branches for fun. I cut 70 clones and put them in a humidity dome, dont know if any will take but still fun trying. If make it rain doesnt fix...
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    Calling All Noob Growers

    Temp is 77, humidity is 40%. If humidity is low how do you increase it without buying a humidifier? I have placed some buckets full of water in the room to increase humidity and I think its helping but not raising the humidity enough. I will have to get some close ups tonight today when the...
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    Calling All Noob Growers

    Can you take a look at my maters? :smile: Give me a analysis of whats going on. I didn't have a time to feed last night so I'm going to feed tonight before the pots dry out to much. If I'm trying the make it rain technique, how much water should I use and nutes? After I feed tonight...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Holy crap. I just finished reading a bunch of your make it rain posts and I think I accidentally "made it rain" on my plants. Now my plants are at 21.5" and I need to feed. So if I'm thinking about this correctly, I will feed tonight enough to fill my whole 5 gallon pot with a mild maybe...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Ok, so I soaked the pots two days ago until I had a little overflow and have not watered since, the top of the soil is still slightly wet. When I watered I used a mild 800ppm solution and the plants averaged 15". I just checked tonight and my tallest plan is 19.5 inches! In two days they grew...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Thank you for the help
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    I'm having a hard time finding information on under watering through all the topics and pages. Can you give me some advise on what signs are you looking for to tell if you under or over watering. My leaves towards the bottom are slightly yellow and the new growth seems a little more yellow...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Thank you for the great advise about how to control mites. Im finding that there's to many urban legends spreading around about how to effectively kill mites. I'm going to try the Hot shot no pest strip and Brunner's soap on my maters. I really am trying not to use any ornamental miticide...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Thanks for the quick reply! I will not use Safer soap any more. What would you use as a surfactant? I'm going to plan on using Malathion for my next spray to make sure I get any eggs that hatch. What is your technique for spraying the leaves of eggs and mites? How do you prepare the water...
  13. F

    576 plants, legal?

    go get a lawyer, you should be able to afford one with a grow like that. One question I would ask is can you charge a rental or lease fee to the patients who grow their crop on your property. one question is who takes care of the plants, you or the patients. Also, all of this talk in the...