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  1. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    So I think this is day 60. The ak48 seeds I got were shit so she's gone. We're down to just the bag seed. The top part grew into the light and had to be chopped off so I lost two nodes. But she recovered and she's got a few tasty looking buds. The hairs are starting to turn red. I'm...
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    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Okay sorry for the long time between posts. Been really busy at work so I haven't had time. The ak48 had complications and is no longer with us leaving us just the one bagseed plant. So far these lights have outdone my last grow nicely. I'll try to post some pics later but I'll have some up...
  3. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Both plants are now confirmed female. The bagseed is getting to be a little too tall. Trying to do a last minute LST on it. Probably going to have to remove some fan leaves just so that they aren't sitting in the lights.
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    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well now the fun part begins. The bagseed is confirmed female. Just waiting on the AK48 now.
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    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well it's been a little while since I posted pics so here we go. The bagseed is on the right this time. The lights have been working wonderfully. So far the growth is much better than when I just used CFL's. Temps are still holding in the high 70's and low 80's. Well not much to do until...
  6. T This is where I got them. 40w mushroom shaped ones. I'd stick... This is where I got them. 40w mushroom shaped ones. I'd stick to one light per plant. Or get a higher wattage light.
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    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Okay I was distracted last night by strippers and booze. Here are the pics from day 21. They just woke up from their first 12 hour dark period. This time the bag seed is on the left under the 6500k light. Hope everyone has a great weekend. EDIT: Oh and you may have noticed the cup is...
  8. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Just started the girls on 12/12 today. The one in the cup did not make it but the two in the pots are doing great. I'll grab some pics when they wake up.
  9. T

    Blue Dream 800W Induction Lights SOG

    Do you have a journal up for this? Is it the bi-spectrum 50w one? I'm doing a grow with two 40w inductions right now. I love induction lighting so far but not many people use the lower watts. What do you think so far?
  10. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well I'm not really worried about temps. They are staying in a healthy area right now. I also open the door and have a desk fan blow the plants around for 5 hours a day. The stems are going to be nice and strong. I might add another exhaust if I put in the third light I'm thinking of. But...
  11. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well so far the two in the pots are going great. The cup is not doing so well. Staying realy small. So based on this I"ve decided one plant per light should be about right. Once again the bag seed is on the right. In case any of you are curious I do rotate them I just happen to take pics...
  12. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well today is day 13 of veg. So far things are going well. The bag seeds are the one in the cup and the pot on the right. The one in the cup is smaller than the other two. I'm thinking I'm going to put something under it to bring it closer to the lights. The bag seed in the pot is still the...
  13. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well so far everything is going great. The bag seed has really taken off though the one in the cup has stretched a bit (it sits a little lower than the other two). The AK is growing nicely just not as fast. I have noticed that the plants tend to lean toward the 6500k light. My guess is that...
  14. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well so far everything is going great. They just woke up from their first 6 hour dark period. The lights are running great so far. Temps are stable. Here's the pics. The bag seeds are the cup and the one on the right. Day 7
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    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    They're about 5 inches above the tops of the plants. They all seem to be doing fine right now.
  16. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well the kids are about to take their first nap. Just doing 4 hours of dark today and tomorrow and then thursday we're going to start 18/6
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    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Oh I have an exhuast. There's a computer fan in the back. It's behind a light trap so you can't see it. The temp in the box stays in the high 70's to low 80's so I'm not worried about that.
  18. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Later today I'm going to stop by staples and see if I can find one of those litlte desk fans.
  19. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Well when I got home form work I noticed they were kind of starting to bend at the tops. I moved the lights up a little to see if this would help. The temps are holding in the low 80's high 70's. Here's the pics from today. The one in the cup and the one on the right are the bag seed. The...
  20. T

    80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

    Found the 80w ones. The page also gives some good information about the specs on the lights.