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  1. Shoot

    Cloning help! No roots.

    I have found great results using a "expensive" if you call $25.00 expensive gel. Specifically clonex I get as I can get to glob on there. Then 1.5 inch rockwool. sitting on something to allow air under the rockwool, and water to drain. Put them in a homemade plastic tent with a small hole for...
  2. Shoot

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    Leave as many on as you can until harvest. I cut some of mine off but I have been for years and pick and choose for some OCD reason. Prob hurts more then it helps.
  3. Shoot

    Cutting fan leaves

    I tend to trim a few fan leaves off about 2 and a half weeks into budding. Nothing wild just a few select ones. I have noticed that the ones I trim seem to yield a little bit more on the lower half nothing to write home about though.