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  1. K

    Marijuana and Cancer risk

    The scientists describe development and use of a modified mass spectrometry method that showed clear indications that marijuana smoke damages DNA. Scientists are especially concerned about the toxicity of acetaldehyde, present in both tobacco and marijuana.
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    HELP ME :-) Doctors and experts: What weed is best for me?

    First I want to tell you that smoking is very bad for our body, And I think so this is totally depend on you that doctor is best for you or expert is best for you, My friend had faced same problem so he first consult him family doctor and they give him some expert advice now he is good now.
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    Marijuana and Pregnancy

    Women who smoke marijuana have increased risk of abnormalities in ovulation and therefore more infertility. This risk is enhanced when the use is within one year before attempting conception.
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    Strain to raise blood pressure???

    In our body, For the blood to reach all parts of the body, it has certain pressure. This pressure is created because of contraction of heart. Sometimes for various reasons these blood pressure increases, for example fearful...