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  1. b*real

    ~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

    I always use MS. I am no god, my mentor consistantly crushes my flushes, clearing nearly twice my yields given the same amount of substrate. I have seen a 50 gallon rubbermaid shit out a pound flush...but never done it myself. Anyway, the reason I like MS is because I am lazy and like to...
  2. b*real

    Mighty Mutant Mushroom Beauty Shots

    Two boomers, 9 grams dried, each one capable of intoxicating four adults! These guys came from my last flush documented in ~pin set art~. b*real
  3. b*real

    ~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

    Hey bro, although I don't beleive in measuring my exact amounts, I use about a brick of coir to 2 or 3 quarts of verm and just a dash of gypsum. Then the important part is to add dolomite lime liberally up to 5% of the total mixture. This wacks out the PH of the mixture, making it impossible...
  4. b*real

    Drop Jaw PE + GT flushes NICE PICS!

    Well unfortunately I do not sell any of my boomers, but I do give them away to friends for free! So just become a friend and there you have it! (real-life friends) lol. I have been booming for a little over 3 years, and I use a combination of teks and methods that I have developed in order to...
  5. b*real

    Drop Jaw PE + GT flushes NICE PICS!

    Yup, the ones lying down with the smaller caps are indeed PE. Not sure anybody should envy an 11 inch penis that is only an inch thick! The next flush of PE will be harvested tomorrow, and those guys are actually penis sized and shaped....creepy... Most cubes lose 93% of their weight as they...
  6. b*real

    Drop Jaw PE + GT flushes NICE PICS!

    I showed you the pinsets of these trays in the thread called ~art of pinset~ and they were harvested just moments ago. I am going to throw up pics without much commentary for now...mostly because imma be busy cleanin and preppin for a quick dry session! Give me some rep if you feel I deserve...
  7. b*real

    ~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

    What is holding u back? A stiff dose has helped many get their lives back on track.
  8. b*real

    ~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

    Hey guys, time for an update, those trays are going to be harvested today at 10:00pm when the lights in my G-room come on. For now, I will leave you with three boom booms that I picked last night, as they were clearly mature! They wouldn't be any good for fuckin, but these penis's are great...
  9. b*real

    opium anyone ?

    Does anybody know where to obtain legit opium poppy seeds? b*real
  10. b*real

    Opium, the feasibility.

    Where did you obtain legit seeds? More importantly, where can I obtain legit seeds! b*real
  11. b*real

    Did I fuck up?

    Thanks for all of the replies... I appreciate them. b*real
  12. b*real

    Did I fuck up?

    Hey guys I have a large grow tent in my flower room, and I got baked and left the zipper down during the dark period. There was a bit of floro light leaking out, not much but just enough so that the room was barely illuminated... The babies have been in 12/12 for 5 days, and I am hoping that...
  13. b*real

    Cops chase drunken fool straight too....

    In a system so corrupt, it should be no suprise that they do not weigh the dry flowers, they weigh everything. They weigh the fucking whole plants, including stalks and containers. They weigh the fucking soaking wet rockwool if it sticks to the stems when they tear the plants down. This makes...
  14. b*real

    ~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

    The finest poop I have found for mushies is earth worm castings, and they have a very pleasant garden earth smell! I love worm poop, and its great for herb too! b*real
  15. b*real

    ~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

    You are correct sir! Simply casing grains results in tiny stemmed .05 gram mushies that will take up the entire surface area but yield practically nothing. To get the result we are all looking for you need a bulk substrate with lots of water such as coir, verm, poo/straw. Tree stumps out...
  16. b*real

    ~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

    You mean the PF tek grows shitty fruit right? I hope you don't mean mine are shitty, they tasted shitty but thats beside the point! Thanks for the look! I use 3 quarts of spawn per one 18 quart tray of substrate. As a substrate I use coco coir, vermiculite, gypsum, dolomitic lime, and a...
  17. b*real

    ~Art of Pin Set~ High Res Pics!

    YO!, I would like to share some exciting developments in my current personal mushy grow! I am doing two tubs of penis envy and one tub of Golden Teacher (GT). Everybody knows (who grows) that penis envy is a finicky pinner, and the flushes vary greatly in terms of size, shape, type, potency...
  18. b*real

    bulk shroom grow

    It is unlikely that if your camper cooler is left open, there will be enough humidity for the magic to happen. For pinning and fruiting you will need 85% humidity or greater, I often use ultrasonic humidifiers to push into the 90-95% range. If you are looking for stealth, do a monotub style...
  19. b*real

    Just a heads up to shroom growers.

    The main thing I have found with spore syringe inoculations is that you MUST get the spore water to run down the side of the jar all the way to the bottom. If this takes two drops or two cc's, just make sure you see a bit of water trail its way all the way down to the bottom. This has greatly...
  20. b*real

    Just a heads up to shroom growers.

    I been boomin quite a while and I have learned an important lesson. It takes weeks for the colinization process to fully happen, then another couple weeks to spawn, then days to pin and days to flush, so why are so many people in a hurry to cool down their PC's? First off, the PC is a great...