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  1. Z

    Stealth Dresser LST

    Keep up the good work, subbed
  2. Z

    Legalization of Marijuana debate

    Lol thanks, I could really use some more votes guys or if not just simply read over this and tell me what you think ;).
  3. Z

    POLL: which blunts are best

    White owl grape #1.
  4. Z

    kids on leashes: yay or nay?

    My personal belief is parents need to start smacking their kids. You never heard of ADHD until parents got soft (no pun intended lol) on their kids. Parents need to spank their kids instead of sitting them in time out and asking them how it feels.
  5. Z

    Legalization of Marijuana debate

    Hey guys! I'm not sure if this is the correct section but I was recently involved in a debate with someone about the legalization of marijuana (I am Pro [Cunit0814]) and I would like you guys to check it out, read it and possibly vote. I just want your guys opinion on it...
  6. Z

    How Much is Weed Worth Where You Live

    Wow I have the opposite problem, I can't find Swag or mids anywhere just high grade.
  7. Z

    Oh no!

    Bro, its your house I would ask them if its ok to smoke in the house if you keep it away from them, if they say no do it anyways. Because if you ask them (You gotta grow some balls its not going to be easy just don't bring it up right away just kind of bring it up one day) But if you ask them...
  8. Z

    How Much is Weed Worth Where You Live

    Florida Regs - $25/quarter Mids - $30-$35/quarter Dank - $20/gram so do the math :P.
  9. Z

    [HOW TO] Homemade Hookah

    Thanks bro, I'll definately make more of these if people are interested. I have a real hookah but It's kind of cool to make your own for shits and giggles when smoking with people sometimes to be like "Look at this" :)
  10. Z

    [HOW TO] Homemade Hookah

    Imma bump this, any suggestions on how I can improve this shit??
  11. Z

    [HOW TO] Homemade Hookah

    Alright guys I'm pretty blazed and I don't know if this is the correct section but just bare with me, I was getting kind of inventive today and I made a hookah, Its not all to fancy but I honestly think its pretty cool. Onto the guide...