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  1. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    thanks for that info about the stems. good to know. is there a way to get rid of spider mites or do i just have to charge it to the game?
  2. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    i acquired this lovely lady from a friend of a friend and its been budding for about 3 weeks now. today i notice some tiny black and reddish moving dots. i dont have a mag glass right now so this is the best way i can describe them. i've also noticed a rise in the amount of flying aphids in the...
  3. J

    tiny black spots that move

    good day. i acquired this soil based lovely lady from a mutual friend a few weeks ago. i'm more versed in hydro than i am with soil and it is showing. today i found some tiny black spots on the fan leaves that move very slowly if you watch them. There are also many small flying nats but i was...