Search results

  1. supermoto

    black calyxes(after freeze)

    The cold temp will push out purple/black/darker colors in plants that have the genetics for it and blackjack def gets BLACK as I have seen before, so hopefully its just starting to turn colors due to the cold temp.
  2. supermoto

    BHO Method - Butane Hash Oil. Who knows how to make it?

    That is crazy looking oil. I make my oil with Iso but I just ordered a honey bee so I def have to try that out.
  3. supermoto

    Attitude Seed Bank T-Shirt

    Thats what I got. I was disappointed but W.E. I was way more into the seeds lol.
  4. supermoto

    UBC CHEMO, anyone grown or smoked this?

    They also have seeds at BC Bud Depot
  5. supermoto

    UBC CHEMO, anyone grown or smoked this?

    VDS, They are the only ones that do mail order in canada as I know of.
  6. supermoto

    UBC CHEMO, anyone grown or smoked this?

    I got some from my dispencery. It smells like flowers and puts me right to sleep lol.
  7. supermoto

    Need more heat +rep

    Buy some emergency blankets, they are mylar on the outside.
  8. supermoto

    Can A Doctor Do This?

    I would try and get off any benzodiazepines if I were you. they can really mess your mind up man.
  9. supermoto

    A Canadian Stoners Story

    Im so sorry I really feel for you man. We are lucky to live in a country where we can get medical cannabis to the people who are in desperate need. If you live in toronto go to a compassion club with some medical forms that discuss your daughters condition and they should be able to provide...
  10. supermoto

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    Im really sorry to hear that.
  11. supermoto

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    You can qualify by just having chronic nausea. And honestly that kinda sounds like what I have even tho I have never been diagnosed with anything for my nausea, but I wake up every morning so sick and usually vomit. Im having great difficulty finding work because of it.
  12. supermoto


  13. supermoto

    Yeah I just checked it out and it asked for a password and name, I ordered a half oz in december...

    Yeah I just checked it out and it asked for a password and name, I ordered a half oz in december and it didnt ask for anything. ill give you the guys email tho.
  14. supermoto

    got a employer drug test! 5 days! best ways to get clean?

    Im about the same hight and weight as you and I passed a piss test that I knew about four days before by drinking as much water as I possibly could and wrapping myself in blankets to sweat it all out. It worked and I am a heavy smoker.
  15. supermoto

    Hottest RIU Men of 2011

    Here are a couple pics of me lol So what do you ladys think? Hot eh? lol
  16. supermoto

    Hello from Weed.TV!

    Is Weed TV kinda like a copy of Pot TV?
  17. supermoto

    Search bud buddy in google and you should be able to find it, or search off cannabis culture's...

    Search bud buddy in google and you should be able to find it, or search off cannabis culture's website thats how I found it.
  18. supermoto


    Sorry man the one I use says they will only ship toa canadian adress
  19. supermoto

    How to make wax's?

    No prob man. I have some right now and its really good.
  20. supermoto

    Please help.

    It smells really good. kinda like lilac but sour, very strong smell.