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  1. P

    Edible issue

    Hi I had experimente few variables deegrees about my tolerance.The main topic , after few experimetations , is the diet. It's all about your body health.Basically , if you eat too much or bad (burnt fat , sugar etc) , your organism make harder work to assimilate good material , and also harder...
  2. P

    super soil not yielding well, not hot enough?

    Hi 250 ml dolomite is what sub use for 400L of mix.It seem very high for only 20 gal. it's used to control pH , may be your problem.
  3. P

    Seaweed / Kelp

    Hi farmers I'am about to make my mix , i have everythings listed on the subcool thread , but i noticed some of you are using kelp meal , seaweed , wich is not in the initial thread. Can someone explain why and how to use it.