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  1. flightrisk

    Experienced Cab Growers, Need Some Light Advice.

    I would go with a 64k 130watt cfl they run cooler than the hps which is really only good for flower
  2. flightrisk

    Hello! Need help with my plants!

    Looks a bit like some fert buirn. What system u using
  3. flightrisk

    Green SKrillexs LED grow

    So dude let me get this right. These ladies were in dwc right and now they are in dirt. The look healthy enough maybe yo just splashed some nutes on the leaves normally nute burn would start to show on the tips try fusing and the let the medium dry before feeding again Peace
  4. flightrisk

    400wmh/hps grower!!! thread

    Here goes duide killer at three weeks into flower aeroponics
  5. flightrisk

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    56 first grow 69 current grow 16 bags every 3 weeks
  6. flightrisk

    Please help! My big plant is dying!

    Hey man Looks like your growing in soil??? Do you use water straight from the tap? How often have you flushed...
  7. flightrisk

    Germination Problem

    IMHO Try soaking rockwool for at least 12 hours in water ph adjusted to 5>6 Darkness is good Temp needs to be at least 25c No nutes till you have roots protruding from rock wool What lights you using man?