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  1. C

    How close am I to being done??

    Thanks for all the comments guys! This is my first grow so next time I will def change a few things! I have just started using molasses and water the last 2-3 waterings no ferts and it is looking much better now!! Will post more pics as i get closer! thanks again!
  2. C

    How close am I to being done??

    These plants are 39 days into flowering. Just tryin to get an estimated harvest date. They are grown in Scotts top soil mixed with peralite and using Miracle grow tomato plant food. Using 13, 23 watt 2700k CFLs. I dont have a magnifier so any suggestions would be appreciated. I do...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    These plants are 39 days into flowering. Just tryin to get an estimated harvest date. They are grown in Scotts top soil mixed with peralite and using Miracle grow tomato plant food. Using 13, 23 watt 2700k CFLs. I dont have a magnifier so any suggestions would be appreciated. I do intend on...
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    Help cloning

    thanks alot rhyma thats exactly what i was looking for!!
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    Help cloning

    newb here looking on a step by step guide to cloning. I have searched every wording I can come up with for cloning and still cant find what Im looking for. Hopefully someone can direct me to a link somewhere! thanks in advance!
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    Should I start adding nutes right away or when should i add nutes?
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    so farmer can i cut a clone right now and then use rooting gel and put it under 24 hr light?
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    Well guys I have a a very good looking plant going that is 34 days into flowering and was hoping that after I harvest her i could reveg and then clone or clone and then reveg.........i am a complete newb so not sure how this works!. After trying to find some articles on it I decided I would...
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    I was also wondering if I could harvest this plant and then take clones from that possible? I would like to keep this around for the mother plant!
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    thanks wallmandummy!
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    thanks mrboots!! I tried home depot and they said they had put it away for the pools in IL this time of year!! lol
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    oh and frmrboi would you say snow crash is about right with saying im aprox 25 days to harvest?
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    thanks so much starting to think I just have a green thumb!! If you have any more advice for a newbie I would appreciate it!
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    How long should I keep up with the miracle grow?
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    how much longer do you guys think i have?
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    Frist timer 33 days into flowering

    Okay guys this is my first attempt at a grow. Started out with a bag seed out of some very good green. Not sure when on the date I planted it but I know for sure I am 33 days into flowering. I am using some organic soil from home depot mixed with perlite and using miracle grow tomato plant...
  17. C

    Need HELP! Yellowing Edges And Cracks In The Leaves

    I have one plant that is approximately 12-15 days old and the edges of leaves are starting to curl. soil is organic grow miracle grow and lights are just sum is my first time and jus sorta playing trying to iron out any kinks before getting more into. I am attaching pics as well...