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  1. M

    trying to find post on making hash

    Hi...back online and trying to find a post I seen about making hash out of scrap leaves and such...It involved using a pringles can.. growing my summer garden and the leaves r piling up...If anyone knows what I'm talking about or a simular method, pls inform this thc loving gardener where I...
  2. M

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi first year growing everything is going alright except for cloning...they droop and dont grow roots trying to find more info on enviromental requirment and whether clones can be grown under cfl's
  3. M

    My first year of growing, since the 80's and early 90's... I don't have pics, but from what I...

    My first year of growing, since the 80's and early 90's... I don't have pics, but from what I can tell by all the other pics I got like 3 to 4 more weeks before its harvest time... thanx for the help