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  1. D

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    Wow, that's quite the selection you have growing there! They look great!
  2. D

    My first outdoor grow

    still learning the you go
  3. D

    Hi from CT

    Hey guys, new to the forum, just finishing up my first outdoor grow, posted a few pics in a new album, feel free to check em out!:leaf:
  4. D

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Well if you are the man to ask, then what do you think?
  5. D

    My first outdoor grow

    Hey, im new to the forum, just created an album with some pics from my first grow, the last of them taken today. Im really curious whether i should harvest now or wait, i know the cold weather is coming, and truth be told i would rather have a small first harvest than none
  6. D

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey, new member to the forum, been lurking for a while, and am just finishing my first outdoor grow this season. stehoughton84, be happy man, those little white hairs are pistils, and that means she is a female!