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  1. C

    Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

    Too bad the real cowards are ones like yourself, throwing around epithets and assigning blame for everyone else. Plus, if you have so much bravado and are so ready for a revolution, why don't you go shoot someone? Oh, cause your a pitiful, frightened coward too. Thanks for playing. P.S. Dear...
  2. C

    Barack INSANE NObama is the Antichirst! And I AM YOUR God/Christ! Merry Xmass!

    :lol: I was thinking Useless Fuck Typing Shit
  3. C

    Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

    Uhm, yea, its still PITCHFORKS. It's not 'bullets not ballots', it's not 'fight for and die for' rhetoric, it's not bringing up the second amendment every five seconds. But you seem distinctly unable to separate the repetitious drum beating of guns, gun rights and shooting people with McCaskill...
  4. C

    Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

    Relating someone talking about a pitchfork and someone talking about bullets, targeting, and defending yourself from tyranny is akin to relating apples to motor oil. Not even close. Thanks for the effort though.
  5. C

    Where Are The Holocaust Deniers?

    Holy shit dude, I've never read anything so far from reality in my life.
  6. C

    Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

    Really though, some of us try to keep it at intelligent discourse, but some people love trolling / being ignorant / whatever (on both sides). People that get mad about it aren't trying to discuss issues, they preach mantras that they've been programmed with. BTW, your raving about how everyone...
  7. C

    Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

    Conservatism isn't extremist. The makeshift plutocracy they've done their best to install over the past 4 decades is. The last real conservative died with Barry Goldwater. Now we have socially-uber-conservatives that are fiscally insane.