Search results

  1. nicholas oliver

    legit 2ci vendor

    @timeismoney did the vendor end up working out for you? i see tons fo ppl online asking for vendors all the time and all i see is ppls hearts getting broken. im lucky to have found a caring old hippy who make me nn dmt, im awaiting my first experience. but ive been real interested in research...
  2. nicholas oliver

    2C P Questions

    ive been trying to source a reliable vendor for it but everytime i try to order 2c-i i get an email the next day saying out shipment wont be in in time and we have to leave canada so sorry. i managed to find a source for dmt via the net, not from a vendor obviously, but icant source this RC 2c-i...
  3. nicholas oliver

    just dosed 2cb

    been trying to find a reliable source fo the 2c family but as soon asi find a reputable dealer theyre shut down. guess i'll have to just wait patiently for this dmt...
  4. nicholas oliver

    Will Oxy-80 laced weed provide for oxy-80 laced seeds?

    probably the stupidest thing ive ever heard. why dont u inject bleach too, thatll help make u a better person. if you think putting oc's in dirt or on your plants will result in synthetically opiated seeds, maybe you shouldnt be here
  5. nicholas oliver

    JWH Laced Buds?

    ive been smoking pure jwh 018 for the last two days and not feeling any effects. ive been putting it on real buds and hash, and smoking it solo off foil and in a bowl. im being mentored by old hippies who introduced me to it. ive been doing small doses to start like a capital O worth at a time...
  6. nicholas oliver

    research chemicals

    pending on what you are looking for i maybe able to help. if youve had your questioned answer, pm me regardless im looking for a 2c-i source