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  1. S


    Thank you for trying to help me.... I will definitely take your advice.
  2. S


    Okay so here's the problem... This is my very first time growing on my own. Plus my girl is indoors in my closet lol... Oh that was shameful to say.... Anyhow, I have her on 18/6 for veg Im not really sure how often and how much of the water and nutes she is to recieve.... I've read numerous...
  3. S

    bud worms...

    I had the sam problem last year I had to harvest early before they killed my whole crop. We ended up picking them off one by one with tweezers and putting them into a bowl of rubbing alcohol. Usually if you see one there is a lot more that you cant actually see because they tend to turn green...
  4. S


    I have a Harle Quinn clone that I purchased about 2 months ago... It said it would be ready to flower in about 8-10 weeks.... I purchased everything that i believe it needs such as light, proper soil, food, so on and so forth. However, it's supposed to move to flowering by November 2nd and she...