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  1. jarjarneeks

    Getting Laid-off

    I just found out last night that I am going to be let go next week. So since today is my day off I am having a last hurrah before I have to start the job hunting prep process. :leaf: SO today I smoke like a queen! But yeah in my midst of job searching today I came across this BS...
  2. jarjarneeks

    Question. First timer doing this!

    Thanks homie! Yeah we are probably gonna just chill at my friends apartment til the morning. I think I will skip on the 5htp though cause I'm on zoloft anyway lol. Any good ideas for things to make the experience more fun?
  3. jarjarneeks

    Question. First timer doing this!

    So I know it's not a hallucinatory sub but I didn't know where else to put it. So my 2 girl friends are going to a club on Saturday and they are planning to roll. One girl has done it many times and says it's the best because she always gets the pure cut shit. My other friend has never tried it...
  4. jarjarneeks

    WOOOO Got start my job Monday

    lol yeah i would be way too nervous to do that. Some of these places pat you down like crazy.
  5. jarjarneeks

    WOOOO Got start my job Monday

    yeah I quit for two weeks and detoxed like crazy
  6. jarjarneeks

    WOOOO Got start my job Monday

    oh they don't do that there for the office part of the building.. just the warehouse if there is ever an accident
  7. jarjarneeks

    WOOOO Got start my job Monday

    I know I don't come on here often but I just got drug test results back and is PASSED!! I start my new bitchen job Monday!! I am celebrating tonight!! :leaf:
  8. jarjarneeks

    Oh No!! The bud is all gone!

    lol no I wasn't complaining about my job, I was complaining that someone had said they would get back to me as to when I could start but never did and is now not returning my calls.
  9. jarjarneeks

    Oh No!! The bud is all gone!

    Nothing in worse than having a bad day and not having any ganj left. lol! So my rant of the week is I have been out of a job for about a week and a half now. I went to a job interview yesterday. The place seemed a bit shady, like they pay all of their employees under the table and the company...
  10. jarjarneeks

    Worst Tweak Ever?

    Ahahahaha! F*kin cops man! Damn I remember a similar story when I was tokin with a friend on 420 in a movie theatre parking lot of all places lol. And we had already smoked a blunt and we didn't have another swisher so she packed her bowl and she handed it to me and I had it up to my mouth and...
  11. jarjarneeks

    Worst Tweak Ever?

    I know there is probably a thread out there somewhere like this one but what is the worst tweak you have ever had while smoking?? Just want to hear some of the stories haha! I have a few but the most recent one was a few days ago I got a taste for some pepsi but there was none in the apt. It was...
  12. jarjarneeks

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    Hahaha yeah when I am driving I won't talk on the phone for anything cause I just want to enjoy the music. lol.
  13. jarjarneeks

    Some of the best sites/videos you have found when you were high??

    I found someone's profile on Youtube that had some of the funniest animations. I watched them when I was stoned and almost all of them had me laughing til I couldn't breathe. I wanted to show my boyfriend later that week and I kept telling him how funny they were and we both watched some of them...
  14. jarjarneeks

    Worst Weed you ever bought.

    I don't have any pics but recently my sister's ex started growing. He called me up and told me he just finished his first batch and it was some great shyt. He was going on and on about how godlike this bud was so I told him to put me down for a gram. He has always brought over some really good...
  15. jarjarneeks

    The unofficial post what your thinking when tokeing

    You know I have some the world's best ideas when I am stoned. Ideas so great....that they could be dangerous if in the wrong hands. hahahahahahaha. But seriously I always come up with some crazy ideas on things I want to do when I am high. Other people who are baked as me always agree with my...
  16. jarjarneeks

    Extensive use of MDMA

    Lol it just tweeked me out a bit.
  17. jarjarneeks

    Extensive use of MDMA

    Haha Hey Howzer! I know this is random and kind of off topic but the dog in your avatar looks identical to my pooch. At least from that angle lol. Here:
  18. jarjarneeks

    need to smoke =(

    Man I feel your pain. I went 3 MONTHS w/o smoking cause when I got my DUI I was told that I was going to have to take a drug test. Well I kept getting things in the mail in regards to a drug test but nothing with a date on it. My lawyer even told me when I hired him that I would have to take a...
  19. jarjarneeks

    should i do it

    I hear that! The only time I ever did shrooms my mom ended up calling me and asking me if I wanted to meet up with her for dinner. I hung up on her and then freaked out cause I knew she would be calling back and asking me why I was being weird. lololol It was just too real for me
  20. jarjarneeks

    should i do it

    You're not gonna know if you like it unless you try! I only did it once and even though my trip wasn't the best I think I would do it again if the circumstances were right. If you do decide to do it make sure: 1.) you are in a comfortable place. 2.) Everyone you are shrooming with you are...