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  1. X

    In Need Of Some Advice To Harvest.

    My white widow is from a grow club here in the Bay Area which is called Harbor Side.
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    In Need Of Some Advice To Harvest.

    This coming Friday will be 10 weeks of flowering and I am in need of advice on when to harvest. I am growing White Widow and so far I am confused. I have been watching my plants closely and several of them have glands that are either milky white to a mixture of milky with little amber beginning...
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    Cloning Trouble

    I was recently checking on my clones when I noticed something odd on several of them. I notice some of them were sort of brown and when I tried to examine them with my hands they completely toppled over, it was as if someone cut them. I touched the part that was brownish, greenish color and it...
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    Should I be Worried

    I was tending to my plants today and notice a few things, one I noticed this white powder on my northern lights, on one leaf and I also noticed the top of my leafs seem to be curling upwards but it is hardly noticeable. Should I be worried, I posted some pictures and if someone can tell me how...