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  1. C

    Welcome New Members!

    happy growing to everyone as well
  2. C

    Welcome New Members!

    I can answer my own question tho. No different nutes for the veg stage compared to the flowering stage
  3. C

    yo how long do i need to veg before flowering

    i would wait until those plants are lush and green again to flower, their is definitely something going on their that's not good, either you are over nurturing them or they are getting burned somehow from those lights, id give them another 2 weeks at least a week
  4. C

    Welcome New Members!

    whats up guys I'm down here in AZ, its hotter than hell, I'm Working on my second grow now, had a very successful first grow with some sweet tooth. I got some O.G. and some white widow growing now with a photo-tron setup, anyone know if its o.k. to start my plants on some nute's in their second...