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  1. T

    Short Vegetative VS. Long Vegetative before Flowering

    My buddy had 2 plants that he has been growing for 3 months so far. they have both been under the same conditions and in the same area and all the factors are the same except he vegged one plant 2 weeks before the other so it was in veg for 2 weeks longer and it has 16 bud bearing branches and...
  2. T

    help with mold

    White powdery mold on top of soil. Very minimal amount, hardly noticable but I'm still worried. What can I do how do I get rid of it can you just scrape off the top layer of soil? How can you keep it from comming back?
  3. T

    help these plants survive!

    Okay so here's the setup. There are 3 plants growing in a box about 2' by 2'. There are 4 flourescent lights. and have been. Growing for about 8 weeks and the biggest one is exceeding the grow space, reaching the lights and getting burned. So today I am going to make a bigger grow box. But...