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  1. J

    FurtherHelp with Harvesting

    Hello everyone, I wanted to see if I could get clarification with the harvesting process. I'm growing Easy Ryder (Low Ryder #2 x AK47) and had some questions about it. I have a 30x magnifying glass, and I've been looking at the trichromes, but they remain clear. I know I'm supposed to wait...
  2. J

    3 week old Plant turning yellow and spreading!!

    Yeah, may be too much nutes for the youngn.. Flush and slowly introduce them again... And unless thats an autoflower, I would let them breathe once in a while (darkness)... Atleast 4 hours a day.
  3. J

    Yellowing, Curling Leaves & Brown Tips

    Heres a good side view of it.. No idea?? Anything...
  4. J

    Yellowing, Curling Leaves & Brown Tips

    Also, this is day 37 of the grow (started counting post germination), its an indoor grow and I'm now watering with nutes every 3rd day (i.e. Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday, etc.)
  5. J

    Yellowing, Curling Leaves & Brown Tips

    Info of the grow: 1 Easy Ryder Autoflower (Low Ryder #2 x AK47) Fox Farms Ocean's Forest Soil Pure Blend Soil Formula Pro Bloom (Calls for 25 mill per 4 liters, but since my watering can is only 1 liter, use about 6 or 7 mill) 18/6 Lights (125 Watt 2700K CFL, and another 2700K 23Watt CFL on...
  6. J

    Dead Germinated Seed?

    OK, well now the whole thing is brown. I'll leave it.................... but in the mean time.. If I germ another seed, how long until I put it under the 18 hour light cycle?
  7. J

    Dead Germinated Seed?

    Yeah i'm going to leave it be. Just hope I haven't damaged it beyond self-repair.
  8. J

    Dead Germinated Seed?

    OK thanks guys! I hope I turned everything off in time for it not to die... OK, fans and lights are off in my closet.. Has Humidity of 50% Temp of 77 degrees F. Just leave it in there and wait for it to grow outta the ground? And how long would this usually take? I wouldn't want to add light...
  9. J

    Dead Germinated Seed?

    So lets say I moved the light up and I don't water for 2 days, can it work itself back in a groove or is it too far gone and time to germ another?... Also did I add lights too early? I turned them on right after planting it, like 3 minutes afterwards, and for a full 18 hour cycle.
  10. J

    Dead Germinated Seed?

    So, I first want to say thanks to everyone here who is always helping peolpe with their questions. I've read many forums and threads and without you guys' help I would be even worse at this. I'm a COMPLETE Noob and this is my first grow ever. I got 3 LR2 x AK47 seeds from Attitude and...