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  1. U

    What If?

    I'm a liberal but i'd vote in Ron Paul in a heartbeat.
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    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    Illinois rises again!
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    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    While I wish you were right, you're only partially right. The docs here in Illinois may be more open minded being a traditionally democratic state and Chicago being a liberal strong hold but it's not going to just catch on that quick. When the bill for California passed in...96 I think, they...
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    almost ww3

    And they've been at war with the USA for over 50 years as well. South Korea did not deserve to be attacked, North Korea surely attacked unprovoked. Their government is plain despicable, the reason they were doing drills in the first place was because North Korea has been getting increasingly...
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    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    Wait, so if I were on a cocktail of antidepressants, stopped taking them because they were effectively turning me into a brainless zombie, MMJ would be an option here in Illinois?
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    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    I feel your pain bro, your mother, you and I probably won't qualify anytime soon, assuming it passes. This is really an experiment to test the waters. If they like where it's going after 3 years then it will get extended and over time the laws will become less restricting. Just hope it passes...
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    A few Ideas to cure our woes:

    Here' my plan to solve the deficit problem, what can you guys cook up yourself?
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    Planet X approaching

    The thread got derailed ages ago from what I could tell.
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    Planet X approaching

    This was the last forum I would expect to find all of this hostility. Everyone here needs to seriously chill and have a toke. I don't hate/dislike any group of people. I'm happy all of these empires existed because they progressed humanity ever further along. Doesn't matter if they were black...
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    Free Trips To Mars, Sign Up Here

    I have not, this is my first time hearing of it.
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    Free Trips To Mars, Sign Up Here

    I think you're reading too deep into the article. I didn't sense any left or right leaning politics, a purely scientific article that seems to be excited at the prospect. A catastrophic event doesn't have to be something directly damaging to the human race like the earth cooking, meteors and all...
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    John Boehner

    lol, messiah care. Okie doke, oh well, tis a shame, maybe i'll just make my own thread.
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    Planet X approaching

    The only thing that is coming for humanity is what we create, AKA the Technological Singularity. The human race is on the cusp of a paradigm shift but all the doom and gloom going about is not what's coming, we're going to enter a golden age of technological advancement. There will still be...
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    John Boehner

    Can I get a rebuttal for my own post? From either side? Looking for a debate on the actual politics of the US not quite the psychology of liberals and conservatives.
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    California Attorney General Race - It's not over yet!

    Congrats guys, hope you guys get better laws for your freedomz and all that good stuff.
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    John Boehner

    Come on man, stop being a troll @ Everyone else, come on guys, don't feed trolling.
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    John Boehner

    Okay, wow. I'm going to go ahead and throw my own hat in the ring, here's a little disclaimer first however: I'm only interested in a civil discussion, we all have a modicum of intelligence. I will not intentionally insult anyone and if you should choose to insult me I will simply ignore you, I...
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    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    Well I'll start rallying facebook folks. I know too many people.
  19. U prop 203 passes!!!

    Damn, I moved from Arizona, maybe I should have stayed, well hats off to you guys! I hope it stays that way. Now I hope Illinois will be the sixteenth.