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  1. brknbnes

    Marijuana Measure Loses Favor in California, Latest Field Poll Indicates

    How about the elimination of synthetic fibers which is one of the main reasons pot is outlawed today. And we now know that the synthetics are a main cause of cancer. And don't ya think all that oil in the gulf could have been mopped up with hemp? So many uses and it is outlawed to grow in this...
  2. brknbnes

    Paper bag drying method question ,

    The bag acts like a dehydrator removing moisture and keeping things in the dark. I put into the bag or box, after a few days and trimming the big leaves and brown tips if any, then when it feels crispy on the outside leaf I put it into a light sealed glass container to cure out. The moisture...
  3. brknbnes

    Lets hear ur tips for growing

    All winter long I feed the wild turkeys that come out of the woods. I put out cracked corn and usually have a couple of dozen every year and their crap was becoming a problem. Now it's a solution for my fertilizer. I made a pick up tool from a spoon and some bamboo, dry it for at least a year...