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  1. celldweller321

    First Computer Case Grow

    we have things called power drills these days to solve that
  2. celldweller321

    Street Prices of Opium

    20-30 a gram!!!! lmao i hope ppl in my town dont read this we charge .75 cents a mg in va and they think they're gettin a deal
  3. celldweller321

    Im Startn to get that itch

    in this day and age sometimes i think you can never trust someone that hasnt bled for you.....
  4. celldweller321

    60 Plant Grow Setup

    dood 60 plants for 6 lbs? wtf. why not do like 6 plants and get 6 pounds? thats about normal yield of a well grown plant
  5. celldweller321

    roof growing?

    where do you live that u can grow herbs on your roof?
  6. celldweller321

    Someone May Have Discovered My Buds

    make sure u take a gun i have a deer camera thats camo that you can pretty much make impossible to see if you know what your doing i keep that on 24/7 on my plants
  7. celldweller321

    Trick to find out if you have a scavenger.

    or you can buy yourself a deer cam thats blends into a tree and shoot the fucker next time you see him
  8. celldweller321

    Tool, Korn, Old Metallica

    Fuck yeh lamb of god all the way i broke my fist on some guys face at a concert in va the lead singer mike morton went to my highschool
  9. celldweller321

    Woot free oz

    lol bought an oz of mids today got home there was a rock in the middle went back to the guys house and pretty much robbed him for what was mine except i got like an extra quarter cause the guy was scared that i was gonna shoot him lmao
  10. celldweller321

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    in va an ounce of good mids is around 140$ and i can also get haze for around 400 a ounce i love the haze it gives me a really awake high like i can hit it when im feelin tired and almost like instant engergy
  11. celldweller321

    Tomato Questions?

    buy a trap at lowes u can get box traps that wont harm it and u can put it in car and transfer a few miles away that best thing i know if he doesnt leave the area u can kiss all ur plants goodbye lol.
  12. celldweller321

    When should I start to flower...

    the lights should have been closer to the top of the plants ive fucked over like 4 grows in my stealth box but i find if i put my cfl lights really close to the plant the grow short and busy instead of tall and skinny and mine is actually starting to look like a real grow lol
  13. celldweller321

    Obama who?

  14. celldweller321

    Obama who?

    I have to ask you guys this...why the fuck would anyone even consider obama as a president look at his damn name Barack Hussein Obama wow!! whats that sound like guys? um red alert theres a muslim here?..The guy wouldnt even swear on the christian bible to uphold our countries laws... that sand...
  15. celldweller321

    Obama takes delegate lead.

    has everyone forgotten that Barak Hussien Oboma (what self respecting american would vote for this guy just from his name?) was the congresman who refused to swear upon the christian bible to uphold our countries laws and asked for a Qur'an instead which is the same bible the muslims who want to...
  16. celldweller321

    If SHTF, are you ready?

    My grandfather died of lung cancer i remember when i was younger he had a kewl way of thinking that ive kind of takin on and it was that if you didnt believe in god but just believed that you would never experiance death then when we died we didnt even know it thus as far as we are concerned...
  17. celldweller321

    If SHTF, are you ready?

    I personally believe that if hilary or obama gets in the white house our gun right to own a gun is shot to shit so im stocking up on my guns and ammo cause hilary is already talking about passing a law to make it illegal for a household to posses more than 2 firearms i have quite a few more then...
  18. celldweller321

    Growing in Plastic BAgs

    heh if heaven aint alot like Dixie well then i dont think i wanna go!!
  19. celldweller321

    PC Grow Box - Stealth-ish

    hey can u post a link the search on this site is like completly useless it cant find anything
  20. celldweller321

    PC Grow Box - Stealth-ish

    hey dood im actually trying to make one right now and it not being light proof driving me up the wall pls show some pics or how u made it lightproof