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    Need some legal eagle advice

    Considering no one goes to the legal forum here i thought id put it up here. I got an op going now and sell it off as it comes out. Im wondering if i should talk to a lawyer just in case the door gets kicked in one of these days. Its not a huge amount but my friends that have gotten in trouble...
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    Making Ectasy?

    Way alot of info on green on here. Helped me alot getting my first harvest out. Got some good yield. Havent found any kind of site anywhere that has info on making E, no videos, no nothing. Maybe i havent looked hard enough. How do they take the powder and turn it into pill form? Anyone got any...
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    What do you get more time for growing green or making ectasy?

    Curious here. Friend of friend I grow with makes his own E. Dude seems to be doing pretty well. So how much time would he get if caught making and dealing it. Has to be more than green. Yea they are both felony's but come on. I feel like im getting the short end of the money stick here. I...
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    Top 5 reasons people get cuaght growing

    And they are
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    Most important things to know when doing your first grow

    Im working on getting started soon. What are the most important things to know when going into this?
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    Is a generatoer a safer idea than spiking your utility bill?

    Yea the heat and smell where going to be my next questions. Im glad to see my bills wont increase that much so it doesnt look like it will kill me trying to do this. I guess all i need to worry about now is where to clones, the whole set up and how to get rid of the smell and hide the heat...
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    Is a generatoer a safer idea than spiking your utility bill?

    Been researching here for a while and gearing up to start growing in a month or 2. Id like to grow 2 pounds every 2 months. But i keep reading about how people get caught because the utility people gives that info to the cops. So im thinking a generator would be smarter and would keep me under...
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    Best way to start doing this

    So i read up and down these threads learning how to do this. I want to grow 2 pounds every 8 weeks if at all possible. I got a grow room thats perfect. How much does your utilites spike? How much does it cost to start up. How do you keep the smell down. How do you not get caught by the cops...
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    I need some knowledge on the legal side

    Naw, I never talked to them before. And I highly doubt we have the same customers. Maybe I was a little too paranoid about the whole thing. I guess id like to know what is considered "reliable information". The term is somewhat vague.
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    Is it even safe to post your business on ere like that? Doesnt the FBI read this shit? And cant they trace it back to you?
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    I need some knowledge on the legal side

    Iv been selling some here and there for the past month. Not alot but enough I guess. Today I look go outside to get in my car and there is a dea and fbi raid at a house across and down the row from me. Didnt know those guys but there were a little younger and college students. Sad part about it...