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  1. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    Gotti is right im not being too strict on on the rules. Just couldnt be started before Dec, we want to finish around 4/20, and try to have pics every 2 weeks or so. Smoke and have fun keep post the pics people! I will have some up in a few days, was out of town for a week and had my wife watchin...
  2. Badzad

    Texas Growers Unite!

    lol nice quote with the avatar pic.
  3. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    lookin good gotti, i still love the way you setup your cup.
  4. Badzad

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Its so damn cold i dont even want to be out there for 5 damn mins to smoke a cig. And the rolling blackouts are bullshit i dont know why the hell they are doing it.
  5. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    Looking good people, wish i could share some pics but im out of town for a few days. And FUCK is it cold out there!
  6. Badzad

    One Seed, One Disire

    Looking great man keep it up! And your up to 420 post!!!! ill smoke to that!
  7. Badzad

    Greenhouse Tx Winter Grow.

    It was close to the wall for about a week, i rotate the plants in there every week. Thats kinda what i was thinking too cuz it turned pretty purple before turning brown. Thanks for the info both of ya.
  8. Badzad

    lol thanks

    lol thanks
  9. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    I am just way early with this one. Im gonna do another.
  10. Badzad

    Greenhouse Tx Winter Grow.

    More pics and a question about 1 branch. Its turned all yellow since the whiteflies they arent all dry. I cant pluck them off easy and the leaf doesnt crumble under my fingers. Should i just cut it off? Heres the lil girl, she has odd looking buds. Is this from lack of light? And...
  11. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    I have seen the first snow of the season, its on my baby!. Shes started to take off into flowering already.
  12. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    Lookin good people and welcome the new comers! Sorry i wasn't on much this last week and a half or so, was a busy time. To many damn bdays in jan! But im on and back if you guys got any questions feel free to ask. This "contest" is mostly for fun, its nice to compair grows with good fellow...
  13. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    Ya you can still enter 2 if ya want, just take more pics to help us keep track.
  14. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    Here is a update of the rules for new people and under that will be a list of the entries we have so far. RULES: --Seed or clone will work But it has to be rooted and contained in a 16oz cup. Even hydro IN THE CUP, heres some examples thanks to djruiner. --Updates with pics every 2-3...
  15. Badzad

    Greenhouse Tx Winter Grow.

    Cold weather update. The greenhouse has been doing amazing since i put the 2nd heater in. The night it was 17 outside it was only 68 inside the GH. Ever since that night it hasnt got under about 72ish at night and up to 80ish in the day. Whiteflies are now gone, finally.(those things are a pain...
  16. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    Its np theres still time, think im gonna do a clone in one in a few more weeks. The blueberry is gonna finish way early and be small. But i will still post pics of it. I will be doing a big update post soon, next few days.
  17. Badzad

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    Lookin good people, ill do a updated list of the entrys and rules again in a few days. I would of had some pics to post today, but forgot to take them yesterday when i was out there and my backyard is a giant pond today. Lol so hopefully tomorrow ill post some up.
  18. Badzad

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Ouch that sucks, im lucky my light never goes out (the sun). But it was cooold outside dropin in the teens here.
  19. Badzad

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Mine were outside last night and they only got as low as 63. Sitting good in my greenhouse.
  20. Badzad

    Texas Growers Unite!

    damn it got fucking coooold last night!