Search results

  1. S

    Temp and humidity?

    Here is a better way to search, enter this in google (site keyword tells google to only search this website): best temperature and humidity for growing cannabis
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    Does the smell of smoke carry to outside my house?

    I live in a duplex, but each side has a separate ventilation system. But still, the other neighbors house is only 15 feet away.
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    Does the smell of smoke carry to outside my house?

    The main cause of my worry is that I moved from California (where it's been decriminalized and it was already pretty chill) to a state in the midwest which is very harsh about it. In California I can't imagine anyone calling the cops on me. But here it's different. Here I don't know. I just...
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    Does the smell of smoke carry to outside my house?

    Yes, the problem is that while I'm smoking I can't smell anything. No pigs that I know about, but plenty of families with kids. I just don't want to give the cops an excuse to come inside if someone calls them. So first off, I think smoking with the windows open would be stupid. But maybe it...
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    Does the smell of smoke carry to outside my house?

    Hi everyone, If I smoke inside with the windows closed, will people be able to smell it outside my house? I haven't smoked in three years but am looking to light up again. When I used to smoke it was in a college town in California, so it never occurred to me to care about the smell. Now I'm...
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    Hermie or Pollinated?

    Aurora Indica. I've got three in flower. This one looks to be the furthest along. I'm just counting the days until harvest.
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    Hermie or Pollinated?

    I had a male that I pulled out at 2.5 weeks. I waited longer than I should have.
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    Hermie or Pollinated?

    Hi everyone. First timer 5 weeks into flower. Does this bud look like a hermie or pollinated? Thanks.
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    Help Identifying Male

    Those pictures were all of the same plant. About it being healthy looking, thanks, but it was only the top that looked healthy. Lower fan leaves have been drying out and dying. That plant was the worst of the four in that regard. I'm hoping it's just happening because the lower leaves don't...
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    Help Identifying Male

    Thanks for the quick responses everyone. I probably should have posted last week so I could have pulled it earlier. I'm pretty sure the other three are female, so that's pretty lucky.
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    Help Identifying Male

    This is my first grow. I think this is a male, but I hoped for confirmation before trashing it. Thanks.