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  1. funky big skunky

    perpetual rocks!!!! how long have you be doing that and have you ran in to eney problomes?

    perpetual rocks!!!! how long have you be doing that and have you ran in to eney problomes?
  2. funky big skunky

    Has anyone used the technaflora nutrients?

    how dose it work for you? i have had some grate stuff and cant bring my self to try eney thing else .
  3. funky big skunky

    How to maintain cuttings without mothers for a perpetual garden

    grafting is something to try if you have the space and the time but who has eney of that to spair
  4. funky big skunky

    How to maintain cuttings without mothers for a perpetual garden

    i have 2 daisey cloners in a box and i wish i would have just bilt one from the git go. e z cloners are the thing to get if you suck at bilding stuff or get to stoned to do eneything!!!!!
  5. funky big skunky

    How to maintain cuttings without mothers for a perpetual garden

    i think the only thing that changes the plant is the changing of your condishions of your garden.
  6. funky big skunky

    How to maintain cuttings without mothers for a perpetual garden

    Have grown perpetual for 4 years and i love somthing new every ten days or so! the guy i learned from has had the same strain for over 20 years and no mother the tast the smell and the high is the same. this form of growing is the best way to stay within the gidelines of a medical card grow...
  7. funky big skunky

    A Good Nute For Making BIgger Buds?

    gravity from humbolt will dens up the bud and i have had some strains that just wont get hard . i use 400 watt lights and have 2800 watts in flower!!!!!
  8. funky big skunky

    Has anyone used the technaflora nutrients?

    i use it and got the info abought it from hear abought 3 years ago and i love it !!!! if you follow that box set you wont have to worry about if your plants are getting all thay need its all !!!! i can get some pix of my shit if you want!!!
  9. funky big skunky

    600w MH/HPS LST grow journal: the cheese PICS

    I have some cheese just abought the same size i will take some pics and post this weekend . your plants look grate! i let the plant consume all it can out of a leaf but if it has no green left and all yellow i take it off.
  10. funky big skunky

    Yellow Fan Leaves Curling and Dying. Brown spots PLEASE HELP!

    Reading this thread realy helped me out!!!!! Just moved to higher ground and the well watter is diffrent all the time on ph, 3 years in and had lots of grate meds. I still get spanked by the basics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. funky big skunky

    Info on B.C. brand nutrients . eney one!

    I need as much info on B.C. brand nutrients as i can get. eney one :idea: How is it working for you ?
  12. funky big skunky

    If you can read this then you can read the grow bible !!!! with some luck and a lot of know how...

    If you can read this then you can read the grow bible !!!! with some luck and a lot of know how you will grow!!!!! Life is a garden, Dig it !!!!!!!