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  1. relic12

    220W CFL Closet Grow 1 Random Bagseed and 1 AF Sweet Seeds Fast Bud

    fat girl is 51 days from seed, other two are days 26 and 27.
  2. relic12

    220W CFL Closet Grow 1 Random Bagseed and 1 AF Sweet Seeds Fast Bud

    Got my 250w hps set up and the two smaller girls have grown 3-4 inches in two days. It feels nice not to have to organize 5-6 cfls everyday and to be able to move the plants at will. Took some pics of them all underneath the lights.
  3. relic12

    220W CFL Closet Grow 1 Random Bagseed and 1 AF Sweet Seeds Fast Bud

    35 days from seed. Ended up order a 250W HPS/MH system with a remote ballast for a few more than the sun system and it should be here mid-week. I'm interested to see how the little ones respond to the HID lights, especially the already-dominant one. Put a jewelers loupe over the camera lens and...
  4. relic12

    220W CFL Closet Grow 1 Random Bagseed and 1 AF Sweet Seeds Fast Bud

    More pics from 31 days from seed. It has grown two inches in the last few days and the buds are looking quite frosty. The two seedlings are coming along normally as well. Friday i get paid and plan on getting either a 400w or a 250w sun system all in one hps. My grow room is about 2.5' x 2' x 5'...
  5. relic12

    220W CFL Closet Grow 1 Random Bagseed and 1 AF Sweet Seeds Fast Bud

    Decided to take a few pictures today of the Fast Bud 27 days from seed. Its now around ~5 in. tall. I also planted two more of the Fast Bud seeds and they both germed (100% success rate with these seeds) and they are both looking healthy so need for pics of them. Also added 6 more 26W cfls to...
  6. relic12

    220W CFL Closet Grow 1 Random Bagseed and 1 AF Sweet Seeds Fast Bud

    just a little update. threw the bagseed under 12/12, turns out it was male so i chopped it today after taking some funeral shots :-(. the fast bud is 20 days from seed and i gave it its first nutes (ff big bloom and grow big) yesterday and it seems to be responding well. also LST'd this morning...
  7. relic12

    220W CFL Closet Grow 1 Random Bagseed and 1 AF Sweet Seeds Fast Bud

    Sup RIU. Got a ton of good info from this site but I've never posted so I decided to start a grow journal mostly for myself but anyone can feel free to comment. The bagseed is from some horrible dirtweed but its been growing steady for ~5 weeks so it's my baby (just crossing my fingers its a...
  8. relic12

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    hi everyone, first post for a first time grower here. right now i have two 125W cfls (2700K, 6500K) vegging a couple AFs but i was considering adding an HPS to the mix for flowering. i'm pretty limited budget-wise so this - - seems...