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  1. K

    Recent Orders from 3 Seedbanks Marijuana

    I've ordered from before and received the feminized white widow seeds I ordered in good time, only out of the twelve two turned out to be male, which I caught before disaster struck. I ordered super silver haze (fem) on 19Apr11 and as yet haven't received a thing not even a...
  2. K


    If it`s truly organic & not organic based, but 100% organic, flushing is not a concern.
  3. K

    New coffee grounds?

    Yes sir, you can. It's acidic as hell so watch the ph. Of course it depends on how much you have. It's good for earthworms too if you have them as part of your soil mix.
  4. K

    Organic, cheap method for lowering pH?

    In organics what is often overlooked is simply letting the soilmix cook. That is, allowing it, after the recipe of amendment have been combined and mixed, to simply sit and stabilize. Usually for thirty days or more, which allows the microlife to reach an equilibrium and balance the soils ph...
  5. K

    Organic, cheap method for lowering pH?

    What exactly is your Ph reading? You didn't say. 6.2-6.7 is where you want to be. 6.5 is ideal. Ph up and down product aren't recommended for organic grows. Coffee grounds will do the trick, unused coffee grounds will lower the ph into the 5's so be careful. You didn't say if your were in...
  6. K

    organic soil from local farm.

    Before you put the seeds into the soil. You need to make sure the soil or soilmix is completely sustainable for you plant or plants. Fungi and earthworms are your friend in this type of grow. Basically the soil should have and be able to sustain microlife, such as nematodes, fungi, earthworms...