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  1. Redmist

    Best Grinder Ever!

    Hehe, awesome. Glad you like :D
  2. Redmist

    Best Grinder Ever!

    So StonedPony, did it arrive yet? Would love to know your verdict :)
  3. Redmist

    Grow Room Too HOT!

    Could you adjust your lighting for something that doesn't kick out quite so much heat? Or make your space bigger at all? The plants obv give off a little heat as they grow, could you lower the amount of plants in your space? Other than yet more fans I'm struggling to see how you could lower your...
  4. Redmist

    Best Grinder Ever!

    ^ Ha ha, that's amazing! Glad to see there are other like-minded souls out there!
  5. Redmist

    Best Grinder Ever!

    I think it certainly can be the best grinder I've ever seen, as it is. And ALL of the ground matter gets collected at the bottom of the resevoir, ok it doesn't get sifted out I grant you but for my personal use it works just fine.
  6. Redmist

    Best Grinder Ever!

    Hahahaha @StonedPony, maybe I should call the company and ask for a cut :D seriously tho I think you will like it. I'm childishly happy every time I need to grind some up as it's fun to roll back and forth!
  7. Redmist

    Best Grinder Ever!

    Sorry if that looked like an ad by the way, I'm not a salesman honest! :D
  8. Redmist

    Best Grinder Ever!

    Hello all :) bit of a n00b here so i'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong bit of the forum but I had to share my joy at receiving a garlic Zoom for Xmas and discovering that it chops up grass amazingly! It's like a little plastic gadget that has a chopping blade inside, you put the garlic or...
  9. Redmist

    Slow growing seedlings?

    Cool stuff McFonz :) here are a couple of pics of my buds so far...
  10. Redmist

    Slow growing seedlings?

    Just a quick recap, it looks like I was being over-anxious after all, mine are 4 weeks into flowering and are doing really well now. Thanks to all for the kind advice :D
  11. Redmist

    New Girl.....

    So I've been offline for a while and thought I'd drop back in to let you all know that out of 5 germinated, I ended up with 3 ladies (so now I have a mother and 2 to harvest, mwahahahahaha!) and they're about 3 feet tall with lots of bud sites, have attached a couple of pics to show the buds...
  12. Redmist

    Hello there :) You best get posting boyo, so I can come have fun trolling you!

    Hello there :) You best get posting boyo, so I can come have fun trolling you!
  13. Redmist

    New Girl.....

    Thanks Lib, they're doing much better right now but am going to hunt out a ph tester this week. Good luck with yours! :D
  14. Redmist

    New Girl.....

    Looking good there Dekard :) I topped mine last week and they've rewarded me with sprouting wonderfully. I'll try and add pics tomorrow.
  15. Redmist

    Slow growing seedlings?

    Aw, thanks :) let's hope they stay nice and healthy....was thinking of taking them off constant light and 12/12-ing them next week so fingers crossed for some mega growth this week!
  16. Redmist

    New Girl.....

    Thanks for the link, v interesting though being a total newbie at growing anything I started to get a little lost by page 3 :). Haha! Cool plant story, made me giggle and think of an old western movie when the bad guy walks into a bar and the piano stops playing and everyone stops playing cards :D
  17. Redmist

    Slow growing seedlings?

    And here they are as of today.
  18. Redmist

    Slow growing seedlings?

    Thanks to all for the info, may well need to invest in more lights I think! @ Lovemug, the 5th set are now visible and from the looks of things they did grow about half an inch last night, woo!
  19. Redmist

    New Girl.....

    Yes, thank you :) my babies are coming along quite nicely now, had a big shock to see their progress this morning. I was being impatient with them. Hope you're well.
  20. Redmist

    Slow growing seedlings?

    Thanks so much. What would you consider to be too much light in a 1 metre by 1 metre closet for 5 plants?