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    Need Help Curing My Crop

    Can you guys please help me with a curring process, I have grown 2 nice yield crops but the final product still has that green grass smell like i just cut the lawn. The buds smoke awesome and taste wonderful I just cant seem to get the weed to smell like weed. I normally let it hang upside...
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    Curing your crop

    Dose anyone have a good link on how to harvest and cure your crop?
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    What is better in your Experience LED vs CFL

    I added the LED light as a supplemental light i am also Running 4 42 Watt Soft White CFL's and have had awesome results i just wanted some imput from more experience growers.
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    Does this mean it's a female (pics)?

    You will be able to tell when its female clear as day when the two White hairs pop out In my experience males show sex alot faster. If you plant produces Round Balls its male White Hair its Female. A lot of people dont recommend this but i haven't had a problem doing it, when i am ready to...
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    What is better in your Experience LED vs CFL

    Ok i am a new grower and i have a Kandy Kush that i basicly grew from seed using CFL lighting. For my next Grow i want to switch to LED (out of Curiosity ) But i would like to hear from people who have done both CFL, LED, HPS, and MH. What Light source gave you the best Yeilds. One of the...
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    Pictures from my first DWC/CFL Grow

    These are pictures from my first grow one is just a bag seed grow and the smaller one is a Kandy Kush the leaves got a bit to close to the light and burnt but all and all it turned out to be a nice little grow. The First two pictures are the bag seed grow and the second two pictures are of the...
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    Really Powerfull Newts

    I am in the last weeks of flowering and i have added a new Newt Called Kool Bloom from Gen Hydroponics The Fox Farm Equivalant is Beastie Blooms. The Kool Bloom is 0-45-28 The Beastie Bloom is 0-50-30 The Question is am asking is do you guys recomend these types of products I used Fox...
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    When should I start aggressive bloom feeding?

    Invest in a PPM meter i got a cheap one for 20 dollars and i use it instead of measurements
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    First Grow/ Smoked

    So I finally got to smoke some of my first grow and OMG the pot was awesome. I grew 2 Different types 1 AK-47 and a Kandy Kush. The AK was a lowryder and i kept hearing that the weed wouldnt be that strong, me and a few friends burned one down and all 4 of us were baked. The Kush is still in...
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    Is this over watering...or something else?

    I am growing a autoflower also and they suggested that at like 3 weeks to start feeding her a light diet of higher P-K neuts to induce the flowering stage. So thats what i did and its like 2 weeks into flower mode and showing good signs
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    Newt question

    I have a question about newts if i have Foxfarm grow big that is 3-2-6 and floramicro from general hydro that is 5-0-1 and i combine the two will i get a mixture of 8-2-7 total in the water tank i am using?
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    Would you recommend a water heater

    Ok i have a small problem its a bit cold in my basement (really bad windows) that i cant fix and i grow down there. Would my plant be happier if i warmed up the water its planted in?
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    Greetings from Metro-Detroit

    If your close to the 8 mile border check out the green thumb garden center on Woodward and 9 Mile its where i got all the information i wanted on how to grow awesome plants. My First grow is 5 bag plants 1 ak47 autoflower 1 kandy kush 1 Cole train. That i got from attitude seed bank
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    Hiya i am a new grower from Michigan thanks for having me:-P:leaf: