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  1. W

    Drug War Victims

    In short, If we held the individual responsible, it wouldnt matter what lies the government tells us. The simple problem is that police are allowed to kill anyone as long as they can come up with a good enough story, and if they cant, they can change it later. Wether people like cannabis or not...
  2. W

    Drug War Victims

    The reason this is allowed to continue is because the people are too stupid to realize the police are here to protect us and not the other way around. The police have so many more rights than civillians because they are "constantly in danger" and thats bullshit. They signed up for that job, they...
  3. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    *Sigh* You need to realize the difference between United States and Libya. In the united states, the people are saying "we want legal cannabis" and slowly but surely the states are legalizing it. It seems that there may be quite a few changes on the federal level soon as well, DEA...
  4. W

    Marijuana Withdrawal

    Ive noticed i get irritated easily since i quit (i guess thats obvious). Just got in a fight with my BEST friend who i havnt faught with in forever, and we fought about like 4 different things right in a row :/ and theres this other thread in the forum advocating using guns in the cannabis...
  5. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    oh im sorry, i got that idea from you guys saying we should employ guns in the cannabis movement... And, BTW, that was kind of my point. Im ok with it being legal, as long as people dont think its going to get everoyne out of the economic crisis, thats just pothead niaveness. It will create...
  6. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    Yea, a deterent, every time i see people pull guns it definately settles things down. Its a deterent that ur just never going to use? then its not a deterent, its just a way to get yourself killed when the dea knocks down ur door, JUST like you said. And for your information, ive had my door...
  7. W

    Making canna caramel

    OH thank god, ive been wantin to do this for a while now, i know how to make caramel and all that i just didnt know if boiling at those high temps would lessen potency. Do you think that ur potency was due to so little butter/herb or is there any doubt it may have been because of the way u...
  8. W

    Newb Question

    Im making caramel, i cooked it again. It gets to 220 and stays there for maybe five-ten minutes then shoots up to 270 for about a minute, then its poured out. If this is true, which i suspect it is, im going to be entering the melting/evaporating phase for like 15 minutes, and i have to let...
  9. W

    Riot Seeds a Scam?

    I did not see these attractive women you speak of, im already disapointed. If all they accept are those two forms of payment, dont do, its just not smart. Use something thats known like nirvana or somethin.
  10. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    I definately want weed to be legal, even if it is subject to the same laws of capitalism as everything else on the PLANET. I just have my priorities, and not killing people is one of them. lol. And yea, if walmart gets into the business im sure that small time growers will be able to grow higher...
  11. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    When cannabis is legalized, its going to be dominated by large businesses. We are going to have big oil, big tobacco, and big cannabis. thats how its going to be, your just insane if u think otherwise. look at how profitable hemp is, if u could harvest bud AND use the plant and get 100% returns...
  12. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    so again, your saying that hemp is worth killing people? I want you to confirm or deny that. Is hemp worth killing people? lastly, i just remembered the fucking megafarms they where going to build in cali if cannabis was fully legalized there, they where going to mass produce hemp by the...
  13. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    not underestimating who? walmart? are you saying that these farmers and families are going to grow hemp (appearantly everywhere) and somehow, on their own, market, sell, transport, and make a business off of the hemp, WITHOUT looking to any corporations. Your further saying that a majority of...
  14. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    This is CRAZY. Ive never taken a solid stand like this on any forum but you are INSANE. you serious read the facts i showed u about the progress of legalization, and how it WILL be legal soon, and you STILL want to threaten to kill people over hemp? Thats insane. Im not one of those "violence is...
  15. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    I agree with you to a point, but Ive also looked into hemp product and im a little underwhelmed. ever woreh hemp clothes? probably not cause their uncomfortable as shit. And I really believe that if is a chance to create jobs and stimulate economy, then INSTEAD, walmart is just going to grow...
  16. W

    “Is The DEA Legalizing THC?”

    I actually went to a medical cannabis debate featuring the head editor of High Times and he said that he had smoked the weed used in these trials, he said it was litterly the shwaggiest weed he had smoked since he was teenager smoking that reggie shit in the early days. IDK if its true, thats...
  17. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    It also occurs to me that any sort of violence in the name of pot will not only stop our movement, but demolish every bit of credibility we have ever had. You say being nice and peacefull doesnt work? i disagree, i think its the ONLY reason people are listening to us, because they arnt AFRAID of...
  18. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    Its been 14 years since legalization began and weve gained 15 states + DC. It doesnt seem like we are getting anywhere because we want things to happen NOW. but there are only elections every 2 years, so theres only been 7 thus far. ALSO, you cant even get it on the ballot without getting sigs...
  19. W

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    I almost feel like your not looking around you to see whats happening. In the last midterm election atleast 3 passed medical mariuanna, bringing the number of state up to 15+DC, with many more trying in the next primary election, and many states are starting to accept the idea because of its...
  20. W

    Marijuana Withdrawal

    Im not sure if thats really going to accomplish what we are looking for though. We are trying to quit, not get high. But I should say that i fucking love ur sig beyond reason. Im glad to know others feel this way. +rep.