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  1. SativaCulture

    Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

    one from Tankmen check it out on youtube from the sniper: You know us snipers... wer just a bunch a sick little fucks,.. shure we can put one in your fuckin heart, but hey... taking your dick of installs fear....... in the enemy, its all about the fuckin mind games man.. fuckin lil fucks
  2. SativaCulture

    Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

    (guy)throw that trash out...(boy) no you throw your trash out... (guy) no *points to his head* all that trash in there all that random thought that keeps you from finding out who you are.
  3. SativaCulture

    Free Grow Software!

    Man what a sick program nice great work im ganna use this all the time.
  4. SativaCulture

    Free Grow Software!

    Ganna check it out thnx
  5. SativaCulture

    Spiders for my closet garden?

    I was thinking about that to, but your ganna have to get a spider that makes a web and i wonder if that will effect budding and so on im def ganna try it. Glad to see some one else thinking about it.