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  1. Dante Danko

    End Of 2nd Grow Starting 3rd

    Damn dog ate 2 of my clones, and my dragon ate another one.
  2. Dante Danko

    Rockwool Wet or Dry in DWC hydro set-up????

    Ive used superthrive, and it does nothing to make your plants grow faster. It does however help your plants if they are on the brink of dying.
  3. Dante Danko

    Compare Small Closet Grows

    you need to read a thread about cloning and start taking them now from plan a. i can tell you how i did and you can try yourself. Since it seems your going low budget you need to find things around the house to do this. get a dixe cup, fill it with soil about a 1/4 of the way. Youll put your...
  4. Dante Danko

    Compare Small Closet Grows

    Thanks for the comment. As to some of your questions i can only give you information from what i have done through my dro grow and comparing it to your soil grow and make guesstimations. Everyone will tell you its very hard to know how much final product you have and that there no point to at...
  5. Dante Danko

    8 purple kandy kush plants, 1000w hps, 5x5x7 space, 2nd grow, and pics every monday.

    Holy cropping... How big of an area does each 7 gal pot take up in your space? for example my 2 foot plant takes up a footprint of 225inches square, giving me enough room to grow 8 more like it under the footprint of my light... Im trying to get an idea of how many cropped plants i could fit...
  6. Dante Danko

    Does anyone know how many watts i can run in an apartment???

    i grow in an apt, but that's only because i know the maintenance guys and m neighbors really well, to the point that if they did ever stumbling across my garden, they would never say anything. I agree with everyone else your asking for trouble, especially with that 1000w. I have a 400w and i...
  7. Dante Danko

    8 purple kandy kush plants, 1000w hps, 5x5x7 space, 2nd grow, and pics every monday.

    my bag seed plants look very similar to your kandy kush plants. In each one of those pots is that 1 plant cropped to shit or like 5 or 6 plants sharing the pot?
  8. Dante Danko

    End Of 2nd Grow Starting 3rd

    More pictures!!
  9. Dante Danko

    End Of 2nd Grow Starting 3rd

    Today i check my clones and it seems that the new growth leaves are looking deformed and skinny, I'm assuming that this is because of a ph issue. So i flushed the rockwool cubes with ph 6.0 adjusted water to help rectify this. I also decided to crop the ones that looked the most deformed, 3...
  10. Dante Danko

    Blunt Time

    sour diesel in a grape dutch
  11. Dante Danko

    Is deep water cultivation hard to do?

    i found dwc is hard to do without adequate information. In specific for my failure was too big of a reservoir and too small of an air pump. My plants lived for 9 hours after i transplanted them into my dwc system.I was apparently drowning them and they almost died due to extreme overwatering...
  12. Dante Danko

    End Of 2nd Grow Starting 3rd

    This of the two foot plant clones
  13. Dante Danko

    End Of 2nd Grow Starting 3rd

    I'm into my third consecutive grow now, from where i started with a few good bag seeds and took clones for the next two grows. I'm writing this grow journal too help new growers set up a simple ebb and flow rockwool system that i have been perfecting now over the last 8 months and to get...