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  1. M

    dwc grow plan

    The setup I know. I just need the procedure...
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    dwc grow plan

    I know this might sound stupid but is there any tutorial on starting from seed and ending in harvest using DWC?
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    1 plant NL yield

    okay so my dimensions are 37"L x30"W x 44" H. I plan on using a 150watt hps. I want to grow them as big as I can. Any apporximate yield for meh?
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    1 plant NL yield

    how much will 1 plant of NL yield in grms??
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    limited space

    Can I grow 4 plants with a 250watt hps? My grow box dimensions are 37"L x30"W x 44" H. Is this enough room for 4 plants with scrog and topping? Strain is N.Lights.
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    Carbon Scrubber Questions

    Whoever said I was growing with my parents? I just want to block all the smell. Ill probably carbon scrub and candles.
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    How to build a box that can easily be taken down.

    I still want to use wood. just seems like it would keep the smell more in control. What strain is that?
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    How to build a box that can easily be taken down.

    I see, do you have an intake fan and exhaust fan? Remember smell is a very huge concern for me, I cant vent outside.
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    Carbon Scrubber Questions

    Can I just vent it into a wall? Also, If I vent into the same room how bad is the smell and is there any way to get rid of it maybe send the air through 2 carbon scrubber?
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    How to build a box that can easily be taken down.

    This seems like a good method but I need to get rid of smell. I think wood would be better because its more air tight?
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    How to build a box that can easily be taken down.

    Like the title says folks....So i guess ill be using screws instead of nails. Anyone have any experience on making a grow box that can easily be taken apart within maybe an hour?
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    Carbon Scrubber Questions

    Okay so now I'm really interested in growing marijuana, but I need to have absolutely no odor leaving my grow box. I know that an intake fan takes air in and then I connect an exhaust fan to a carbon scrubber for air out. Does this simple set up of intake fan and exhaust fan connected to...
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    400W Alaskan Thunderfuck SCROG

    I understand that you say better roots with a piston style air pump. I have a ELITE801 air pump laying around and it only has one outlet. Heres a link to the pump I have. Will this air pump be enough to supply 1 of those bins with enough air...
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    400W Alaskan Thunderfuck SCROG

    Nice grow box, I was thinking of constructing one similiar except with 1 mother plant and 1 or 2 flowering plants. Any guides on how to setup hydroponics (bubbler) just like yours? Im looking at just setting up 2 plants and not 4 Can you please tell me where those tubes with the lime green...
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    400W Alaskan Thunderfuck SCROG

    What is the utility section for in your grow box? For supplies? Also does that air duct pulling air into the mother chamber pulling air in and then the air goes to the flowering chamber and then finally out through utility? Is that how your ventilation is set up?
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    40in height of grow box

    Okay so I have a new idea. I plan on growing 1 plant hydroponically and keep a mother to take clones, can you give me a good 2 room design, one for my mother and one for my flowering plant?
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    Mother plants and clones?

    I understand I need to keep a mother plant in the vegetative state but still have a few questions to further my knowledge. How much grow space is needed to keep a mother plant in good condition say of a shorter plant height like Northern Lights? And can I keep clones in the same...
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    40in height of grow box

    Will 40 inches in height for my grow box give me enough room to grow 2 plants successfully with 250 hps light and a bubbler hydroponic system? My plan is to use 50 inches of height, but I would like to get away with only using 40 inches of height for my grow box if possible, is the extra...