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  1. oregon boy

    The Best Nutrient for Aeroponics?

    I think I've narrowed it down to using either Advanced Nutrients , or Dutch Master Gold. I'm using mist sprayers so I'm looking for the one that is least likely to clog my system up. Am I dreaming or is there such a nutrient out there? I've been told to stay away from one part and organic nutrients.
  2. oregon boy

    Growing Veggies Along Side Marijuana

    ok thanks guys
  3. oregon boy

    Growing Veggies Along Side Marijuana

    so your saying no tomatoes because of the room they take up right?
  4. oregon boy

    Growing Veggies Along Side Marijuana

    I'm growing 4 pot plants under a 1000 watt hps bulb. just thought I'd stick a a few veggies in there and just water manually. I guess my concern was whether it was bad to grow different plants in the same room. but now that i think about it, i guess thats what it's like in nature.
  5. oregon boy

    Growing Veggies Along Side Marijuana

    Is this a bad idea? thought it would be cool to grow tomatoes or cucumbers or something.
  6. oregon boy

    1000W HPS Start to Finish?

    Am I blowing it by using my 1000w hps bulb for veg and flowering? I set up a homemade aeroponic system and was told I can use this bulb from start to finish, although not necesarily ideal. What would be the ideal bulb to use for veg using my HPS ballast? Also what could I expect for yeild per...
  7. oregon boy

    Question About bulb selection

    I thought maybe someone could help
  8. oregon boy

    Question About bulb selection

    If I was to just get a different bulb that I can just swap with my 1000 watt for a veg light what would I want to get?
  9. oregon boy

    Question About bulb selection

    I am new to all of this indoor growing and recently bought a used setup from a guy. My question is what bulbs do I want to use and when? I have a 1000 watt Sunmaster bulb, the number on the bulb itself is SL1000W.U25.VRD, I'm running it with a Budget Gro 1000 HPS ballast. Is this a high pressure...
  10. oregon boy

    Welcome New Members!

    What up y'all? I'm completly green to growing green. I just bought a setup second hand, 1000watt lamp, aero cloner, air filter, and some other misc. items. Would apreciate any advice. Thanks.