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  1. Pat Man

    Critical Kush Pics

    i hope you didn't cut that down on purpose, she's still not done!
  2. Pat Man

    New to forum, Flowering Question

    if it needed to be flushed from over nute wouldn't the leaves be turning color? just looks like it needs to be watered to me. rarely would it ever look like that from over watering. but hey, the guys above probably have more knowledge than 200 post me haha. Good luck!
  3. Pat Man

    SCRoG: how am i looking?

    wow this is a beautiful fast growing plant you got here. I think the metal is fine, i've used chicken wire and not had any problem
  4. Pat Man

    LST immediatly after topping?

    why would you do both topping and LST? are you cloning?
  5. Pat Man

    Barneys Farm Vanilla Kush

    I received a clone of vanilla kush from a friend and mothered her for awhile. My experience with it was that it was very sensitive to my nutrients (General Hydro). I must add that I was probably over-feeding, but out of the 7 different strains I had, Vanilla Kush showed the only negative...
  6. Pat Man

    Toxic Smoke?

    as long as it doesnt taste like straight nutes id think its alright. even then id still smoke it, it just might not taste all the greatest
  7. Pat Man

    Will increasing my light hours in veg make my plant grow faster?

    ive read here before that the plant needs the dark to stops photosynthesis as soon as the dark cycle starts. but id say "Dubdeuce" advice is pretty spot on
  8. Pat Man

    I NEED YOUR INSPIRATION!! Nows your time to brag people

    i ruined a few seeds my first couple grows by germinating them then putting them under too high powered of a light too soon and they dried up. it was a 150W hps so now i put them under a cfl to start. I killed over 4 very good strains this way so id hate to see you all excited and do the same
  9. Pat Man

    Whats the best thing to use for reflective light?

    a white surface is just as good. paint the walls white or buy some foam board at an art store or drug store. whatever you do, do not use aluminum foil, the crinkles cause light to reflect unevenly and can cause hot spots and burn your plants
  10. Pat Man

    Does one need to see calyxes??!!? Do they form on all plants??

    calyxes are the bulb looking things that appear first when you switch into 12/12. the hairs shoot out of these. your friends bud may have been different...ive had different strains grow weird looking buds
  11. Pat Man

    should i just cut it ?

    it will be fine after you cut it off, the bud continues to grow it just creates a mis-shaped cola growing in different directions
  12. Pat Man

    Nervous Newbie - Are these ladies ready?

    you can always cut a little leaf off and check the trichomes on a flat surface instead of mashing your scope against the flower
  13. Pat Man

    Why wont these start

    use smaller light. don't be afraid to drop some dollar on a good rooting will last long and give good results that will leave you satisfied. I use Clonex rooting Gel and have a 99% succes rate
  14. Pat Man

    250w HPS | Bagseed | Buying Seeds Soon | 720p HD pics

    for sure SCROG or LST but its looking good. Hell ya on the molasses, Idk if it does much but I use it. I made the mistake of overusing it for my first couple grows, it should just be use sparingly when you feed is what I was told
  15. Pat Man

    Clones taken from a soon-to-be Hermie !

    I agree with ShLUbY, if its just banana peppers you will be good
  16. Pat Man

    Quick color change Question??

    nobody.. ?
  17. Pat Man

    bb cheese....pot size?

    the bigger the better i always say
  18. Pat Man

    Quick color change Question??

    So I know when you have low temps the underside of the leaves tend to turn purple. I experienced this with my NYC Diesel and now its happening right out of the gate with my Silver Haze seedling. I'm just curious what the science is behind this, like why the plant needs or wants to turn purple at...
  19. Pat Man

    My first preflowers

    still a tad early. about a week and a half you should be able to start to tell. males will typically show before females. It wouldnt hurt to wait 2 full weeks to be sure before you start elliminating plants from your grow, pistils will be very long by then
  20. Pat Man

    About 1 month, not alot of growth at all, but they smell like chronic.

    you dont have to kill them but they look like theyre stretching like crazy. move the light closer man itll help.