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  1. emerfish


    Shipped on 11-18 and delivered on 11-28. Not bad time considerering the holidays and all. Way to go By the way, this was to Floriduh.
  2. emerfish


    Thanks for the advice MF & Max. You were right on the money. I fixed some deficiencies and gave her some good light, and that solved the problem.
  3. emerfish

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    These are some that make my ears bleed... john 5 (rob zombie) robert cray (if you like blues) kirk hammet(metallica) david gilmore(pink floyd)
  4. emerfish

    How do you thinkt he world will end?

    Don't think it will wipeout everyone but, chemical/biological warfare. Maybe, some kind of super virus or bacteria.
  5. emerfish


    Can a mother plant get stressed and quit producing clones that will root?
  6. emerfish

    anyone in the tiger woods 10 pc beta ?

    They call it "VEM"(forget what that means) but they admit to it. Shank Beast=sudden gust of wind/ horn blowing in audience/ rock under ball etc. all kinds of crazy meter stuff. They say it keeps it real. Don't happen all the time... just at the worst possible time.
  7. emerfish

    anyone in the tiger woods 10 pc beta ?

    I signed up for TWO(Tiger Woods Online) but haven't played it yet. But, I do play another virtual golf game called World Golf and it is more realistic. But, be warned! it has some kind of random shank beast that is in the programming, and it can show up at any time. Cost nothing...
  8. emerfish

    choice to make

    I like to toke from the time I get up till I go to bed. So, I need daytime and nightime smoke and for next seed purchase it's come down to kalimist or power plant for day, and grapegod or vanilla kush for nite. What to do?
  9. emerfish

    Plant Whisperer

    Got a strain called "supreme skunk" that I got through BCSC yrs. ago. I have kept it going enough that I still have viable seeds. Anyway, have a mother of this that went into flower, and when I noticed I put her into 24 hr. light and she went back to veg. I had started to notice that the clones...
  10. emerfish

    New Old Timer

    Hi, thought I would say hello before posting in the forums. 35 yrs. exp. tokin, 12 yrs. growing, Lived in Germany for 4 yrs.(80's), and have been to A-dam.