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  1. spoad

    Club 600

    i was thinking that myself jig but the problem is my screen is already chocka block with bud sites,i mean i must have 300+,the screen is 4ft x 8ft with bb x northern lights,and there is a few mobydick and deise(13 in total),i did have a eva seeds green monster in there but it was a dud from day...
  2. spoad

    Club 600

    now then guys:lol:...just a quick question about when i should stop tucking my scrog?the screen is filled up and im about 9days into 12/12...think i should stop now or try and eat out a few more bud sights??...cheers!!!
  3. spoad

    Club 600

    cheers DST i was thinking around the same myself bud,ill drop you some pics later when i find me camera,maybe you can drop in with a few pointers as its my first time scrog,i just hope i havent gone a bit too big for my first shot:-(...cheers!!!!
  4. spoad

    Club 600

    well after much head scratchin and brain bustin:cuss: ive decided to run 2 600w lights for 12 big bud x northern lights and 1 green monster,ive currently got them under a 8ft x 5ft screen,ive had them in veg for roughly 4 weeks and they already just about fill the screen,so what do you guys...
  5. spoad

    Club 600

    Well the plants have been under a 100w t5 for 16days but I'm not classing this as my veg time,when I put them under the HPs they were about 8 inches and really bushy,I was gonna give them another 3 weeks veg them flip them to flower,so I'd hazard a guess and say they would be about 22 inches by...
  6. spoad

    Club 600

    Just aquick question for you guys here at club 600, currently running a 600w with 13 big bud x northern lights and im wanting to no if this many lumes will be enough to get a good yeild from my plants?i have another 2 600w but dont no if id have to run c02 and to be honest the space would...
  7. spoad

    Swiss Cheese 400W hps Grow Tent!

    did you dip your clones in anything before planting??????:weed:
  8. spoad

    Read This First!

    HELP?????i have 2 swiss cheese and im having problems with them yellowing,they are about 3 weeks old and the growth seems to be stunted,what could be the problem??i cant ph my water at the minute as im waiting for a tester to come,do you think this is the reason why the growth is stunted and the...
  9. spoad

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Ive looked through all defs on here and cant find any that resemble mine,a black spot appears then the next day it turns brown then gets bigger and eventually it drys and the leaf is damaged to much,the plant is only 17 days old and the rest are fine,sorry dont have no pics but help and possible...
  10. spoad

    The Art of The Auto

    what do you guys think of the auto big devil seeds from attitude?are they any good and if anyone has grown what was yeild like?they are meant to be the biggest yeilding autos?a bit dubious about that but we will see from peoples feedback,thanks and peace out!!!!!!
  11. spoad

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    were do you get that bubblebomb from del?and is that its name bubblebomb or is it just bubblegum?checked the name out and all im getting is bubblegum....cheers mate?
  12. spoad

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    cheers del...yes mate it just has pre flowers staring to form now,and it has recovered as the 4 main branches have grew about 6 inchs past were i topped,it is under a 600w sunmaster and by the looks of things it loves it,alredy got a very sweet smell when you brush along the stems,im shooting...
  13. spoad

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    hello del nice to meet you...;.) just a quick question mate,i have a fem blue mystic witch ive started 12/12 from seed,its already 12 inchs and i topped it at the 5 th node,ithas 4 lovely long main branches,can you let me no if you have done this strain 12/12 and if so is it a good yeilder,and...
  14. spoad

    Club 600

    now then guys.;.)..just a quick question,what do you guys think is gonna be the best strain for scrog from seed,i no clones are the best option but im wanting to do this from seed,some proven strains would be best as i dont want to just jump in and buy any old strain,has to be proven big...
  15. spoad

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hey ho guys.......just a quick question,what do you think is gonna be a killer strain with high yeilds for scrog,has to be proven strain in scrog,cant make me mind up and i dont want to rush in and buy whatever,need some good info on good seeds for this,i no clone is best as ive just finished...
  16. spoad

    Club 600

    Thanks guys for all your replys,muchass grassy ass,im not to bothered about overall yeild,i was just a bit curios about the quality,i suppose i can say its one thing ive tried and got under my belt,once again thanks and peace out!;.)
  17. spoad

    Club 600

    Just a quick question for you guys at club 600,will putting a blue mystic into 12/12 from seed affect the overall yeild and quality of the plant,im a bit unsure as ive had conflicting answers on the subject,people say that you get same yeild and quality and others say you get less yeild but same...
  18. spoad

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Will yeild be less if you put seed into 12/12 from the start,just wondering as ive done this with a blue mystic,she seems to be just growing as well as she would under 18/6,she is about 3 weeks old and she is already 12inch,just want to no if my yeild is gonna be affected by this,thanks and...
  19. spoad

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    my leaves are turning yellow??whats up as ive been giving the the correct dose of nutes??and on one or two of the leaves there is what appears to be rusty scab like spots??please help??
  20. spoad

    1000w Jillybean Scrog On a Budget!

    anything i say in this post or my previous posts is all fictonal and untrue,i do this for my own personal amusement.