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  1. N

    Need Help With Drying/During, Please Look!

    Thanks Drgreenthumb (still one of my favorite cypress hill songs, and part of my blazing playlist lol) and once they are done drying I will put pictures up of my whole harvest. They are smelling amazing and it's day 2 1/2 of drying, going to test the elasticity of the stems tonight when I get a...
  2. N

    Need Help With Drying/During, Please Look!

    I decided to look around and see what I could find to make a homemade drying chamber...found a big ass box and I took 4 hangers, ran them through the box after I straightened them out. I put two hangar lines across the top, two along the bottom. Is that much in a box alright? I also sealed the...
  3. N

    Need Help With Drying/During, Please Look!

    And nah I haven't tried a hanging dry method...the point of this thread is that I'm not going to buy anything extra and my options are extremely limited for drying so I need the best way to do it with what I can do.
  4. N

    Need Help With Drying/During, Please Look!

    If I poke holes in the tupperware would that solve the sealed problem? And I may switch to the paper bag method if you fine folks at RIU think it's a better idea than what I am using now.
  5. N

    Need Help With Drying/During, Please Look!

    Ok so my circumstances have changed and I don't have a place I can hang my buds. I have a buddy who grows and he says he uses tupperware containers for drying and then cures in mason jars. He says if you trim your plants and put them into tupperware containers, like big ones, and poke holes in...
  6. N

    First harvest, not sure if it's ready (with pics)

    Uploaded with I should note that a lot of the bud sites are swelling to the max, if I had to guess. I don't really want to have these be the biggest couchlock buds ever (yes I know they are NL and I should expect that lol) but I also don't want to prematurely cut. I bought this...
  7. N

    First harvest, not sure if it's ready (with pics)

    I don't have a microscope to check trichomes...I have a magnifying glass but it's hard to tell the trichomes color really.
  8. N

    First harvest, not sure if it's ready (with pics)

    Two thirds of my pistols are browning, maybe more...but I'm only 6 weeks 3 days now. In your opinion should I let them grow out to 7 weeks and start 3 days darkness then chop, or start 3 days darkness earlier? Only asking for opinion, thanks for the response!
  9. N

    First Timer, Advice?

    You should easily be able to have cured bud to smoke by August if you already have seedlings. If they are sativa don't veg them 8 weeks, do 5-6 instead. You might also want to germ a few more seeds because you might have a male or 3 and you want as many females after you pull males as possible...
  10. N

    Yellow Fan Leaves in Flowering....Worried?

    Looks fine, though your yellowing is starting a little early (if you're halfway to harvest that is) but that's because you're using molasses. I started using molasses 2 weeks ago and my upper fan leaves are yellowing harder than yours and the buds are fattening up really nice. Some people say...
  11. N

    First Timer, Advice?

    Yeah hopefully if you're soil gets to a point where you can start to micro-manage what you're feeding it; do you have a way to check pH, do you have nutes ready for when the plant hits flowering, and how old is your seedling now? As long as you can keep it alive you're doing fine, and it sounds...
  12. N

    First Timer, Advice?

    Looks like your soil is a little wet, try to keep it damper for seedlings or you'll overwater and they die. Not sure what the white band is on yourt leaves. Regarding your pot size, I'm using .5 gallon containers (2 litres) and i'm about to harvest so 9 litres should be adequate. I can't answer...
  13. N

    First harvest, not sure if it's ready (with pics)

    Uploaded with Uploaded with So as title says, it's my first grow and I'm just not sure if it's ready for harvest, I'm at week 6 on NL #5 from Seedsman and it says it's 6-7 weeks flower time. Can anyone tell from the pics if it's done? the first one is upside...
  14. N

    is this plant ready for harvesting or does it need help?

    My bad! Didn't see that...looks like you're about to be testing your product in a week or so, smoke report would be awesome! Congrats on your first grow brother!
  15. N

    First grow, late flowering, low PH, pull now?

    I'd say you're not going to do anything for your plant by trying to correct it now, start feeding some blackstrap molasses (unsulphered) if you haven't already and just go until you see 25% amber trichomes then the last few weeks you can continue feeding nutes but with a pH problem...
  16. N

    is this plant ready for harvesting or does it need help?

    Yeah they look about like mine do, mine are starting to use up fan leaves now and a lot of leaves are starting to look like they are being sucked dry. I started feeding in the last week or so with molasses so that's why, no nutes just molasses (plants been riding the edge of burn for most of the...
  17. N

    Question about fluoros!

    Tube lights are bunk for flowering, just go with 4 large CFL warm whites for flowering. By large I mean at least 42w per bulb, 68w if you can get your hands on em. I have 3 plants with this lighting setup (all 2700k light temp): 3 68w, 5 42w, 1 26w. More than enough light if you position your...
  18. N

    Should I trim up my Fan Leaves??

    A lot of odd advice in this thread. Fan leaves are used to gather as much sunlight (this is more true with outdoor plants) as possible and to store chloraphyll and other nutrients, and that being said if you're indoors you most certainly should trim your fan leaves. Indoor light is not nearly as...
  19. N

    Getting sooooo close...

    Looking like you're about done mate...if they are northern lights they are an early flowering bud, should be done by now honestly. I have NL #5 from Seedsman Seeds and mine are at week 5 out of 6-7 weeks (recommended from seedsman) and are about as thick as yours but not nearly as tall. NL is a...
  20. N

    Need help getting my pH down...

    I did 1 1/2 tsp for half a gallon and it dialed the pH down to 6.5 (read the meter a day later) so I'm thinking it was a perfect amount. I also tried feeding molasses and vinegar in the same night and my plants seemed to respond really well, though maybe it has more to do with the pH not being...