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  1. J

    whats the perfect kind of tunes to play in the grow room??

    Never thought of what type of music. I threw a radio in just to drown out the fans incase a neighbor or meter reader came by... It's on classic rock cause I cant pick up the heavier rock station with my little turd radio....
  2. J

    First order ever!!

    Orderd from attitude on 12/8/10 and recieved on 12/21/10.. Used debit card and live in the US. No problems and very stisfied with there service. Tracking my gift was easy and accurate, and I cant wait to see how my gift turns out when I use them. THANKS attitude.
  3. J

    growing with coco coir

    Befor using, Can coco croutons be washed with boiling water to kill any pests and eggs that may be there? And than do a final PH rinse.
  4. J

    new to forum. cal-mag?

  5. J

    new to forum. cal-mag?

    Hi everyone.I was wondreing if cal-mag should be added first then mix nutes accordingly? I have always added it last. I have a merlin RO system and use 100% RO for flood and drain in hydro. GH flora 3 part nutes, and cal-mag are all Im using in hydrofarms coco-dan croutons. plants are 7 weeks...