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  1. Z

    Nirvana Blackjack?

    That sounds delicious! Are you going to have a journal?
  2. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Sounds like a fun strain :D I started flushing the ladies tonight, and am planning on pulling em next Friday as planned. I'll get some pics up of the girls before the chop hopefully sometime this week.
  3. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Thats awesome wink! Which strain are you growing?
  4. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Lol sorry, the title of my updates should have read day 61 flowering, not day 61 update. But yes, 61 days of flowering, and ~ one month of veg. Three months doesn't seem like a long time in theory, but man, it feels like an eternity now! Edit: Changed "60" to "61"
  5. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Hey thanks for the support! I hope so! Should be ready just in time for spring break, should be a gooder :D
  6. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Thanks growman! I really appreciate the support and rep, especially coming from a seasoned member of RIU such as your self :D
  7. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Same info as the last post as the day 60 photos were not actually posted on day 60. These pics are from day 61 (today) and include some magnified trich shots. Some are at 30x, others 45x. There are a few amber trichs forming here and there, which is indicative of the ladies almost being...
  8. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Hey kinghash! Thanks for stopping by again :D Haha, I'm far from a natural, believe me, I'm sorta showing off the uh... more flattering shots of the ladies :p Got a few more pics of the ladies at day 60. The buds are fattening up quite nicely. Not much else to report, the lights are still...
  9. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Lol yeah! For the lil buds I picked, I used that steam dry microwave method. The buds lack potency and taste like hay, and all you get is a buzz. Not worth it, and I'm sure they would have fattened up quite a bit more if I left em!
  10. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Haha yeah, it serves a dual purpose! I check on them every two days or so, and every day the buds are fatter and fatter. It takes all my willpower to not pick buds everyday since Im dry! Thanks for the support! :D
  11. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Hey guys, I haven't updated this journal in quite some time! Ever since school started I've been way too busy for this stuff. I'm sort of neglecting the grow - that is not checking PH/water levels daily like I used to. The girls seem to be doing well enough still. The CFLS are hell on...
  12. Z

    nirvana US shipping

    Yeah dude, edit that shit out, not good for anybody.
  13. Z

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Hey carcass, the ladies are doing good! Looks like you did a fine job with the LST and topping. Yes 23 watts is equivalent to 100 watts of incandescent lighting.
  14. Z

    Lowlife? Clone?

    Not possible. This has been discussed extensively. Next time do a search. Its not possible because the Auto AK47 flowering is induced by age and not a change in the light cycle. A clone is the same age (maturity) as the mother, and thus will begin to flower when the mother would.
  15. Z

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Hey Carcass! Its been a while since I checked out your grow. The babies are looking good! As far as I've read, with the FIM technique you're technically only getting two new growths. It looks like 4 or more becuase you have left some of the older growth on. When do we get to see more pics...
  16. Z

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Nice man, when do we get to see the pics of the newly topped/lst plants? Its amazing how they look once you have two two tops. Adding LST to the mix means tonnes of side branch growth! I think once your light are changed up a bit you'll see some nice growth!
  17. Z

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    With LST you do not cut your plant anywhere. That would be topping or fim. For topping you follow the main stem all the way up and cut beneath the newest growth. For LST You just tie the stem down like in the link I posted above.
  18. Z

    PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!

    Thanks for the support :) The girls don't quite look as good now since they've been burnt, but live and learn I guess! hehe. Well that would make sense, the bulges are all at focal points to provide support for the massively huge nugs that'll be growing hehe :p I'm just using the basic Grow...
  19. Z

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    No thats not true. LST does not affect the colas per say. With topping you would get 2 or more colas, and depending on the strain you would have as much bud as you would have had with one cola, or possibly much more. The FIM technique is similar to topping, it stand for "fuck I missed" and...
  20. Z

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Hey carcass, the ladies (hopefully) are looking good! Topping and LST are two techniques that a lot of people use to help with size, and potentially, yield. Topping is where you cut the top growth from the main stalk, thus forcing the plant to grow two main stalks (colas) where the majority of...