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    how to be discrete

    I want to vent my hoods out of a window in the basement. what should I put on the outside so the neighbors don't suspect anything?
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    BUGSSS please help... pictures

    I took a lead to a guy at the grow store he said it was meldew
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    BUGSSS please help... pictures

    No they dont move
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    I need some help with this..... pictures inside

    I circled the problem in this picture
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    BUGSSS please help... pictures

    I circled the problem in this picture
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    I need some help with this..... pictures inside

    what looks like a flower?
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    BUGSSS please help... pictures

    If you look at the tips of the leaves on the first picture you will see little brown fuzzy balls. Any idea what this is and how to cure it. The plants are in a incubator right now.
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    I need some help with this..... pictures inside

    To me this looks like eggs from spider mites or Aphids, I'm not sure which one. I was wondering if anyone know which one it is, What caused it, and how to get rid of it. Thanks
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    I need some help with this..... pictures inside

    This looks like eggs to me and I am not sure what kind. I was looking for a solutions and the cause of this problem. Thanks
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    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    Soooooooo out of all of the advanced growers on this site no one checks the EC from there runoff?????
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    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    Update - I thought the problem was fox farm but now I'm thinking it's the soil. I've been using Promix (orange). I took a small plant only about 2 weeks old from clone, put in a 5gal bag. Now I have not given the plant any nutrients at all, it was in a dixie cup before i transferred into...
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    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    but my ppm is out of control without using any nutes
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    Indoor Growers Using Soil

    pro mix (orange) is killing my plants. I put no nutes and the ppm comes out at between 3000 and 4500 ppm
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    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    what soil do you use?
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    Indoor Growers Using Soil

    What soil type and brand do you use when your seeds pop and for the remainder of the plants life? I've been using pro mix mycorise throughout the whole process and i'm starting to think it has too much nutrients.
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    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    from my understanding the pro mix should only be at .5 to .7 ec
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    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    i flushed a seedling that popped about 3 weeks ago. it's in a 5 gallon bag and i have not fed it any nutrients yet. The EC came out at 6.0
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    EC Run OFf

    does anyone check there PPM run off??
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    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    i tested my ec/ppm from a seedlings that has been in a 5 gallon bag for not even 3 weeks and it came out at 6.0 ec which is crazy
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    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    what size pots do you use and how often do you water/feed?