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  1. L

    The BOMB grow spot!

    me and the wife got hooked up with a ocean front mansion near playa flamingo in potero for our honeymoon. we got down there rented a 4x4 and never looked back. the week we were there was no where near long enough and have been dreaming about going back ever since. we just drove all over the...
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    Dadio's Current Happenings

    ain't that the truth. good to see your still kickin ass bro, thanks for all the info in your threads, your flood and drain should be a sticky.
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    all i need in my closet is some old crutches, an older ironing board, a broom, and about 12oz's of sweet stinky smoke. your grow is what i am to make mine(also hopfully in co someday soon) thanks for all the info provided and can't wait to follow the next one
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    Blueberry Gum & other Attitude freebies...Low Budget Grow

    well damn there goes my morning. nice thread though lots of info, i'm trying to decide if i want to scrog it or let it eat, i have plenty of space and only four babies just thought scrog-ing looked fun. just one bit of advice i might have for you would be a plug in thermostat. idk if you are...
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    nice, got another question that seems fitting at the time. have you ever thought of trying a sog? i'm debating trying it out, kind of on the fence right now, whats your opinion?
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    Dropastones Northern Lights #5 Grow Journal

    first off awesome thread, don't know how i missed it in dadio's before. def subbed in now though. as for the camera two words nikon coolpix. it was by far one of the best investments i ever made. i used to have a few different ones that were mid grade but finally stepped it up last christmas...
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    thanks man, all six have come up now and the biggest is about 1 and 1/2 inches now. this has been a bit more challenging than i thought it would be, but thats what makes it fun right.
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    Someguy15s Perpetual 1kw Pineapple Express & More

    amazing and informative thread, i am really considering using the scrog method in some way shape or form because of this thread. great work man and can't wait to see the harvest.
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    what do you mean by air prune? is that like the root will dry out and the part outside of the block with die off? i germinated some bag seed and they all poped, i have them in rockwool plugs in a dome. they have only been in the plugs for about three days and roots are starting to come out of...
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    looking good, what do you estimate your yeild being? i don't remeber you ever saying how or if you control the temps and humidity in your room. i ask because i am at the point where my room is setup and all thats left is to dial in the temps and humidity. and when checking the temps in the...
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

  12. L

    DaHighOnes Grow w/ Bubba Kush clones 8 days old

    i'm in for the ride. i'm in the same boat as you, i've been watchin dadio's and should have the same thing up and running next weekend. i'm starting from seeds and getting some clones right around xmas. i should be about 3 to 4 weeks behind you, good luck bro.
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    just a general question if you don't mind. my room has unfinished insulation in it and instead of putting up drywall and painting it white i think i might just staple up some mylar. any thoughts one way or the other on how either may or may not effect a grow? thanks
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    yeah i saw that one too, in the coffee container. there are a few people on here that have really good informative threads and you my friend are definitley one of those people. not sure how this board works exactly but i gave you rep earlier today too
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    600 watt hps 8 plants?

    and humidity jogofien, this site can be overwhelming there is a ton of really good info you just have to sift through the bs. my best advice would be getting on here w/o smoking first and subscribing to any thread you think is useful, the first few times i got on here high as balls and...
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    niiiice, lookin good. i have been doing a lot of research on this site and this thread is top notch bro. i picked up my flood table yesterday and ordered my 600w hps setup last night. i'm getting ansy... it's all i think about. i got some good bagseed from what i was told was bubble kush gonna...
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    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    i'm feeling your setup. my buddy had one almost identical back in college. getting ready to start mine here thanks for the blueprint