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  1. TGD

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    Personally, I wouldn't bother taking clones from those plants. But it's up to you. If you take the clones now, consider this: They are in the late stages of flower, therefore they would not only have to go through the already extremely stressful process of becoming a new plant, but they would...
  2. TGD

    How much longer? pics

    Did you show him this thread yet? If not, do so. He obviously isn't thinking correctly.
  3. TGD

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    Re-vegging the plant after harvesting is a different issue entirely. Cloning at this point is not advisable for several reasons but considering that you are already having issues with temperature and apparently don't have the setup indoors to facilitate growth (I'm assuming), I wouldn't even...
  4. TGD

    How much longer? pics

    Yea, tell him to be patient. When growing plants, patience is very much a virtue. And in your case, you NEED to wait a little bit longer if you want to be even partially satisfied with what you've done. Plus, those 2 or 3 weeks go by faster than you think. ;)
  5. TGD

    Need Some Help With Curing

    Regarding the bathroom: I thought that you were using a bathroom that you used. My bad. But even if it is not actively used, be sure that there is no mildew or mold in there before drying out any more buds. But overall, your plan sounds pretty good. You should consider a dehumidifier as well...
  6. TGD

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    Taking a clone right now is not advised. Ideally, you want to take a clone before the flower stage has been initiated. What dannyboy602 meant, I think, was to chop some of the buds that look choppable and keep the rest on to grow a little more. That is very common. As long as you stay...
  7. TGD

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    You could definitely use a few more weeks. Especially if they have been slowed down due to improper situations. Your flowers may have simply slowed down. Give them a little time.
  8. TGD

    Need Some Help With Curing

    I imagine your main issue must be the possibility of mold. In your situation, if it permits, I would just designate one room, closet or small tent (definitely not your bathroom) equipped with an air conditioner, a thermometer (that obviously measures humidity), and maybe a 4''-6'' max fan or...
  9. TGD

    How much longer? pics

    Another 2-3 weeks, definitely. And personally, I would lean toward the latter. Give them another week of feeding and flush them after that. Get one of those small microscopes and take a look at the trichomes in a few days. That would be a great idea. That is your best bet in deciding where you...
  10. TGD

    Keeping plants alive during a power outage...

    Within a few days, my area is going to get hit with a decent sized hurricane that will most likely knock out power for a few hours and up to a few days. I have a bunch of clones sitting in an EZCloner with decent sized roots (they have been in there longer than expected due to delays on the...
  11. TGD

    Please Help ( quick question )

    I'd say the best formula for you to grow proper tomatoes is to take a few rips and just relax. And think about the best way you could improve your tomatoes. Apply the same mind as you would for chronic. And just read about tomatoes. Find out as much as you can about tomatoes, haha. Gardening is...
  12. TGD

    Cannot Identify Disease, but ph is the Suspect

    Although I have never experienced those red tips and dots on the leaves, I would start by lowering the pH of the nutrient solution to around 6.2, at least. Go lower even but don't go below 5.5. I have heard also that a lower pH during veg is beneficial, although I've never tested that theory out...
  13. TGD

    MasterHemp's 400w White Widow (Flowering)

    Nice lookin chunks bro! Filled out real proper.
  14. TGD

    I'm About to Give Up on Cloning

    I had similar problems with clones when I first started. However, I've never had to wait more than 2 weeks for roots to pop. But I have found that a solution of Canna Rhizotonic and water at 15ml/g, with a pH of 5.8-6.2 serves as a great base for popping solid roots rather quickly. Most...
  15. TGD

    Early veg nute problem

    Oooh... You mean what is the pH of my water before I add the nutes to it, haha. I misread that. In that case, the pH of the water before nutes is around 8.0-8.2 at room temp. After the nutes, it is 7.1-7.2. (before ph alteration)
  16. TGD

    Early veg nute problem

    pH going in is about 6.0-6.2. The run-off is about the same, maybe 6.3.
  17. TGD

    Early veg nute problem

    Just recently transplanted and noticed within 2-3 days that there was clearly a nute lockout/deficiency. I just upped the base nutes a few hours ago, which would be their second feeding within like 3 weeks. I'm using Canna nutes and Coco as a medium, in one 15g, two 10g, and two 7g pots.
  18. TGD

    Two weeks into 12/12...looking good!

    Three Cheese's in 7g pots. Two Chem Diesel's in 10g pots. Pinched and bent, and bushed out for roughly two months. Vegged under a T5, then a 1000w MH, and then within the past 2 weeks, a 1000w HPS with a proper reflector and light spreader (which I was lacking for a long time). I am using...
  19. TGD

    A Power/Light Issue

    I have what I think and hope is a rare problem among fellow growers. My grow spot has been severely effected due to a serious blizzard and has not received light for over 24 hours, due to a power outage. My flower room (Day 3 into 12/12) has had roughly 28h of darkness. Veg room had 16h...
  20. TGD

    A question about ideal light penetration

    Currently, I have five plants on a 24h veg under a T5. They are roughly 2 months old, and are BEASTS. They are clearly ready to be flowered, but the 1000w is about 2-3 weeks away. Three of them are bushed out serious, almost 3ft wide. I've pinched and bent them throughout the veg cycle, which...