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  1. Cheap Basterd

    Being Frugal!

    Sweet! Wish we had that kind of thing around here. You lucky bastard!
  2. Cheap Basterd

    Being Frugal!

    I like this. Figured it out a long time ago. It's served me well. +Rep
  3. Cheap Basterd

    Being Frugal!

    I'll second that. A very cool Wife indeed.
  4. Cheap Basterd


    Seems to be that Dope smokers are generally very creative. I know it inpires creativity in me. On the subject of being a Handy Man. Apparently what are a called "Dad Skills" You know shit like putting up a shelf, changing engine oil, etc. They are dying out and a lot of people can't even do...
  5. Cheap Basterd


    What annoys me is when it comes to anything that average Joe doesn't know about, "professionals" take it upon themselves to take the piss. I've Witnessed it firsthand may times. Especially amongst PC repair guys. It's sickening. That's why I'm all about doing as much as possible myself. The old...
  6. Cheap Basterd

    Feel like recommending me some Blu Ray Movies?

    Downloaded the Alien and matrix boxsets. had a quick flick trough and they look awesome. Can't wait for the encoders to dial in the encoding techniques. Unless torrents get fucked by then. Long live torrents
  7. Cheap Basterd

    Purple's Chilltastic Music Thread

    Haven't read the whole thread yet. Do like a to have some chilled mucic on my Touch. Sorry if it's been posted before: Massive Attack and Sneaker pimps are nice and Chill too. Oh, and Morcheeba:
  8. Cheap Basterd


    Holy shit! You've got your skills locked down. Nice one! One thing I hate doing is painting. I don't mind the prep. Cuuting in is a bitch though. guess it boils down to buying good paint and brushe's, rollers. The main skills I want to learn are Plumbing and Electrician skills. Call those...
  9. Cheap Basterd

    Best Show To Smoke A Bowl To

    Arrested Development! Fucking Awesome
  10. Cheap Basterd

    Looking for a new friend

    Can anyone sell me a Kilo of high-grade blow please. I swear I'm legit. I hung with Pablo back-in-the-day. We lost contact on Facebook though.
  11. Cheap Basterd

    Looking for a new friend

    Oink Oink for sure. gotta be
  12. Cheap Basterd


    Nice one Buddy, Making a house a home. All that hardwork is worth every last drop of sweat. Once the Economy/Market picks up you'll be looking at a sweet figure. Back in the day my Parents paid £5000 for their first house. Inflation is a bitch
  13. Cheap Basterd


    I love building stuff. So much more satisfying than just buying something. Plus you get something unique. Only problem is I have limited tools so what I make isn't up to the standard I'd like it to be. As for a list of tools. In an ideal world: Drill Press Router Table Table Saw CNC Fuck it...
  14. Cheap Basterd


    You want to build your own place? Check out this site: It's fucking awesome. I plan on building my own place in the future, so long as land prices don't sky-rocket. Also check out this documentary, it's sick...
  15. Cheap Basterd

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I had to move a 300 Lb Pool Table today. And my friend helping me weighs about 10 stone. So I had the worse fucking time. Trying to lift that kind of weight ans getting the "heavy end" And the fucking ground was icy no less.
  16. Cheap Basterd

    A thread for hip hop heads

    Fuck my life I still can't embed. Just got done watching vids on how to do it too, and none of the ways work. Is it firefox, maybe Flash Block?
  17. Cheap Basterd

    Being Frugal!

    Bump! I know you cheap bastards are out there saving money somewhere.
  18. Cheap Basterd

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Some muthafuckin' cunt who thought it'd be funny to make everyone think they have to spend shitloads of cash or people will think they're tight cunts! Same goes for Hallmark Holidays. Fuck 'em all is what I say! Sooner Christmas is done with the better in my opinion.
  19. Cheap Basterd

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fuckin' 'ell, Funny story Dura.
  20. Cheap Basterd

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Mornin' Lads, Hope you all had a good night. Thanks for keeping me informed about the current state of the illicit substance trade. lol. And for sharing your stories. Brings back a shitload of memories, aww to be carefree and young, living for the weekend (or in my case most weekdays. lol)...