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    My Cannabis Blog

    I created a blog about Cannabis. Just wondering if some of you would check it out and let me know if it is worth reading. The url is
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    Massive list of genetics!

    Anyone ever smoked Cotton Candy Kush? This batch I have is whoopin' my ass.
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    Scouting a guerilla grow spot

    Just use common sense when choosing on when and where to grow. The main concern should be who else you have told about your little garden plans. The best grow areas for me have been in wooded areas here in the Southeastern parts of the US with pine trees, oak trees, and etc. I only grow ONE...
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    Bong cleaning

    Rubbing alcohol and hot water always worked for me.
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    Mexi-Brick Bag seed harvest

    The last grow I did was with a "bag seed" plant outdoors. It grew healthy and big. Except for the fact that it did turn out to be a hermy. Not sure if it was stress or other factors that caused it. Hopefully the next grows will be with very stable strains. Sucks being let down after all the hard...
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    Purchased recently harvested buds

    Well, I paid $50 for a half-oz of this. Around here well manicured/dryed/cured buds like this go for around $100-$150 a quarter. It's ridiculous. Although, I am aware of the fact of the buds losing some of its weight after drying. Thanks for your help.
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    Purchased recently harvested buds

    I know I know. You can't smoke wet buds that haven't been properly dryed/cured. I just couldn't pass up the deal on these nice looking buds though. My question now is how to properly finish drying/curing these buds? In a sandwich baggy they seemed to be sweating out moisture a good bit. So I put...
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    Cornfield plants,,,, piccss

    Nice! I miss growing outdoors.
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    Bes outdoor strain

    Well, given the right soil conditions(ORGANIC), a Cannabis plant will thrive easily with just rich sunlight and proper watering/feeding. Also some TLC wouldn't hurt. Unless you can be choosy about what strain you are growing (i.e.; indica[early blooming] VS sativa[late blooming]) I wouldn't...