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  1. G

    1st grow.... leaves look weird

    Yes, you can HPS entire cycle. Are your temp readings taken at canopy/top of plants? How are they looking now?
  2. G

    1st grow.... leaves look weird

    Clearly too hot/too close to lights. Leaves are cupping to preserve moisture...
  3. G

    Why do my harvests mature earlier then expected?

    I guess I'm going to keep going with what I see, regardless of the number of days. Tip on CO2 speeding up metabolic process, rather then previous perspective that plant was simply growing bigger, makes sense that it would also accelerate maturation. Found some meat in the High Times article...
  4. G

    Why do my harvests mature earlier then expected?

    Only 2400wt MH during veg. :-) I knew CO2 would speed up growth, did not know whether that translated into quicker maturation also. Does anyone have any CO2 links I could read up, from a scientific/plant botany perspective? Does trichrome 'fill' with clear resin, before turning cloudy/amber...
  5. G

    Why do my harvests mature earlier then expected?

    CO2 at 1200-1500 ppm for entire cycle, full H&G nute & supplement line, 6000wt dual arc Super Blue for first three weeks of bloom, 6000wt enhanced spectrum super HPS for finish. Thanks again...
  6. G

    Why do my harvests mature earlier then expected?

    Repeatedly, I find myself looking at trichromes in the 40-45 day range which include 10% amber and varying degrees of clear to cloudy (desktop microscope). Currently in pineapple express, sand widow, white widow and purple kush. Looking good, frosty, swollen, pistils turning, etc. Based on...
  7. G

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial Too much amber in this thread...
  8. G

    Yellow leaves? i did research but i dunno what it is. PLEASE help

    You have to know the ph of both your medium and your water... Otherwise it's a trainwreck in progress...
  9. G

    Why does my PH always fluctuate?

    Is your water well oxygenated? Do your roots look healthy?
  10. G

    Cold Nights and Heating

    As far as dark during day, I have my room overhead lights replaced with green light bulbs. Green light bulbs do not trip the photo period.