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  1. C

    Mold/Powdery Mildew

    thanks alot, i'm going to go get some today
  2. C

    Mold/Powdery Mildew

    I have a 8 plants in different stages of flowering, and all have been attacked by a white powdery mold/mildew/fungus?? wiping doesnt seem to work and its spread to the top of some of the soil, have i lost the harvest or can i spray it with something??
  3. C

    Multiple Problems need help diagnosing and treating

    I backed off on watering because the soil seemed to not be drying out, so now i dont water very often because the soil is wet but they seem to show signs of underwatering
  4. C

    Multiple Problems need help diagnosing and treating

    i'm just watering with 7.0 water no nutes, the soil is testing aroun 6.25
  5. C

    Multiple Problems need help diagnosing and treating

    I have a small soil grow going with all different strains, they are about 4 weeks into flowering, they are on 12on/12off a 600w HPS light, temp is around 70 during the day but i think it drops to almost 40 at night, but right now i have no way to up the temp unless you guys have some ideas, the...
  6. C

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    what happened to the pictures, they aren't showing up?